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I woke up with a pain in my stomach that wasn’t from sickness.  I tried to make an excuse for myself to lie there for five more minutes, but I had to get her up as well, and she hates being late.  So I dragged myself out of bed, and fed my albino ferret, Caspar.  I wrinkled my nose.  His cage would need cleaning today.  I walked across the hall to Mom’s room and opened the door.  The curtains were closed, and she was snoring through her beeping alarm.  I shut it off and opened the curtains wide, letting the sun pour into the room.  She woke up suddenly, exclaiming that it was too bright.  My job done, I left to go get dressed.  I brushed my teeth and did my makeup while Demi Lovato was playing.  As soon as my favorites of her were done, I switched to Nirvana.  I dressed in acid wash ripped shorts and a Paramore muscle tee with a black bandeau bra.  I wore my usual collection of bracelets and then checked myself in the mirror.  I thought I looked good for a first day of school kind of thing.  I left without grabbing breakfast or saying goodbye.  I knew she would be mad for the latter, but I didn’t really care right now.

I took a deep breath as I approached the school grounds.  Students were outside, talking and laughing and screaming.  Reconnecting with one another since they hadn’t seen each other for three months.  I stood against the brick wall, alone.


Hey, how have you been?  How was your summer?

Good, I went to Rome.  You look slimmer.  Did you lose weight?

No, I’m wearing Spanx.

That’s the conversation I would have if I had a friend.  But I don’t.  One would think I would have at least one friend in this entire school.  At least one person I could connect with.  But I don’t.  Because I am hated by Janie.  And if you’re hated by Janie, you’re hated by everyone.

She’s here now, glowing in the morning sunshine.  Her long blond hair was flowing and she had an effortless look about her.  She radiated society’s definition of beauty.  Tall, blonde, tanned skin, blue eyes.  Popular, charming, and experienced, if you know what I mean.  And next to her was Derek.  They aren’t dating.  But everyone knows he’s in love with her.  He will do anything for her, and she knows that.  It’s sickening.  And next to Derek is Calum.  Calum Hood.  Him and Derek are best friends.  He’s a star soccer player, but he has this humility about him that makes you think that maybe he’s an alright guy.  Finally, there’s Hanna.  She’s Janie’s friend, and she has had a crush on Calum ever since last year.  She was tall, tan, and had dark hair that framed her small face.  She claims that Janie doesn’t control her, but she does.  Just like everyone else.

Janie caught me staring.  She glared at me, and rolled her eyes.

“What are you staring at freak?” she asked harshly, but didn’t give me time to answer, as if I would.  She pushed me slightly as we headed into the building.  Not even officially the start of school, and I’m the subject of her anger.  I looked at my schedule and was relieved to see that I had Honors English as a homeroom.  Janie wasn’t in Honors.  None of her friends were.  As I headed into the classroom, I made sure to pick a seat in the back, in the corner.  Away from everyone’s eyesight.  I could look at them, but they couldn’t look at me.  I thought that everyone had come in, but one last person arrived before the bell rang, and my stomach was in knots when I saw them.

Calum Hood walked in here.  And he sat down.  And it was real.

Out of all the years I’ve been in school with him, I have never seen Calum in an advanced class of any kind.  But hey, I guess he wanted to be a star student in addition to a star athlete this year.  He looked around, rather shyly.  Although Calum was known around school, he didn’t have any friends in the Honors track.  I’m sure he could make some if he wanted to.  He had a big, bright smile, and deep brown eyes that showed kindness.

I guess I do think he’s attractive.  Really attractive, actually.  But I know he would never even look at me in a million years.  Besides, his friends hate me; he probably does too.  When the bell rang, the teacher closed the door and got right to work on the roll call.  My stomach did a flip again.  Nobody knew I was here.  But they all would when I raise my hand, or call out “here”.  Then I would be open territory.  

“Elena Jacobs?” the teacher spoke.  I raised my hand, hoping it would be quick.  But of course, everyone turned to stare at me.  The girl next to me, Sarah, glared at me.  She’s a secret Janie wannabe.  So it’s only natural that she hate me for no reason.  

I noticed that when I raised my hand, and everyone stared, Calum didn’t.  I mean, he turned slightly and glanced, but not like all the others.  I guess this is a good thing.  I’d rather have him hate me and not care, than hate me and constantly remind me about it.  When the teacher, Ms. Brown was her name, was done with roll call, she got started passing out our first assignment of the year.  I thought it would be a book.  That’s what normal teachers do.  But no.  It was a project.  

“I’m picking the partners, by the way, so don’t get excited,” she called out, and received a unified groan from the class.

“This semester is all about overcoming stereotypes.  So in order for this project to work, friends can’t work together.  And don’t try to trick me.  I asked your teachers from last year who was friends and who wasn’t.  Here’s the list.  It is final, no exceptions,” she said, and projected the partner list on the screen.  I quickly found my name.  And I looked at the three dots next to it...and next to that was…

Calum Hood.

I checked three times to make sure I wasn’t reading it wrong.  But it was there.  I, Elena Jacobs, was to be working with Calum Hood for a whole semester.  My stomach was in knots again.  I wasn’t ready.  I’m not ready to talk to Calum freaking Hood, best friend of the people who hate me most.  I’m not ready for all of the teasing and snide remarks that was sure to come.  Now I’m not even thinking about Calum.  I’m just not ready for school.  I’m not ready for life in general.  I focused hard, rocking back and forth slightly, trying to take deep breaths.  It wasn’t working.  I didn’t even notice that we had moved to sit with our partners.  I was looking at the floor, and I noticed Calum’s black Vans.  He was sitting next to me, taking Sarah’s spot.  I shyly looked up, still trying to breathe.

“Are you okay?” he asked, wary of me in an obvious way.  I nodded my head, pretending to be okay when I clearly wasn’t.  I think he saw through me, but none the less, I lifted my head up and looked at him.  I didn’t smile.  Smile, you idiot.  I tried, and it probably came out like a grimace.  Doing great so far, Elena.

“So…,” he said.

There was a whole lot of awkward between us.

“Ms. Brown says that we’re doing this project the whole semester, and that it will require time outside of class.  So we should meet at like, our houses or something.  Do you want-”

“No.  No, we cannot meet at my house, we can never go over there,” I said quickly and harshly.  I didn’t mean to.  But it’s true.  I am never letting anyone come inside my house, even if I manage to make a friend one day.  

“Okay, okay.  We can meet at my house then,” he said, and turned away from me, looking at his paper for something to do.  I’m going to completely blow this.

a/n: so how do you like the re-write so far? :) not every chapter will be this short, but I'm just getting started. vote and leave a comment if you want! :)

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