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Never in my life did I ever dream of going to a school dance, much less be asked by someone.  But here I was, in front of the large mirror on my closet door, checking myself out to make sure that I looked alright for it.  Since I had originally planned on not going, I had to pick a dress from the back of my closet.  I had settled on a teal colored chiffon dress that was strapless, and went out at the sides, accentuating my ballet dancer’s frame.  I had worn this dress only once, for my cousin’s wedding.  With the help of Mom, who was being oddly nice, I straightened my hair and then curled the ends, sealing it with a shine spray and volumizer.  She even let me borrow her silver heels, which I had practiced walking in over the past two days.  My makeup was just a little bit heavier than normal, but still natural looking.  I guess I feel better than normal tonight.

I don’t exactly know why Calum asked me, and I don’t know why I said yes.  I know I’m probably just acting as a last resort for him.  He doesn’t really want to go with me.  But I can think about that when the dance is over, when I’m alone in my room again.  I adjusted the thick silver cuff I was wearing to hide my wrist, and I took a deep breath.  I can do this.  I stepped out of my room and walked downstairs, my mother watching from the kitchen.

“You look so pretty honey!” she gushed.

I tried to smile.

“Thanks,” I said.

Whatever has happened to her today, it better stick around.  But I knew I would be seeing her other side soon enough.

“You’re going alone, right?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I lied.

I didn’t want her to know that I had a date.  Especially since my date is someone she basically doesn’t trust.  She would just yell at me and tell me I’m a whore, or say that she doesn’t trust them around me.  She would make up all of these excuses.  So it’s better that I just lie and say that I decided to go to Homecoming because I didn’t want to miss out on it while I had the chance.  I do only have one year left after this. I said goodbye and walked to the spot down the block where I told Calum to pick me up at.  I waited for a few minutes.  I know guys are usually a little bit late.

Twenty minutes later, I was getting worried, and sad.  Did he stand me up?  I should have known.  He probably just asked me as a joke.  I thought he was actually being nice.  A tear streaming down my face, I turned and started walking back home.  That’s when I heard a honk behind me.

“Elena!” someone called.

My heart rising up to its normal place, I turned around and smiled.  Calum was there, he showed up!  He decorated his car all nice with balloons and streamers and paint.  I laughed.  So this is why he was late.  He held out his arm, and I took it as he walked me to my side of the car.  Once were both safely inside, I started the conversation, for a change.

“Why did you decorate your car?  It’s just Homecoming,” I said.

“Just Homecoming?  Elena, this is the most important dance of the year besides prom!  What kind of student would I be if I didn’t go all out?” he asked enthusiastically. I pursed my lips.

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