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The Holidays were fast approaching.  No one went outside without a coat and scarf, there was hot chocolate being sold at practically every street corner.  The markets were selling winter herbs and things like candles and homemade blankets.  The streets were lined with lights and it even snowed a couple times overnight, enough to make flurries appear on the grass.  Everyone had rosy cheeks from the cold, and tissues were starting to be used more frequently.  I had always loved Christmas.  On the rare occasion, Dad got to come home for a day or two.  We would spend the whole time together, eating great food, opening presents, and drinking hot chocolate while we had a Christmas movie marathon.

This year, Dad wouldn’t be able to come home.

“You could always come to my house, you know, if we weren’t going away for break” Calum offered as I told him all about my little Christmas.

“Thanks, but it’s not the same.”

It was a few days before Winter Break was scheduled to start, and Calum and I had just given our report on our final project.  We didn’t do the video, we ended up just talking about it.  I don’t think Ms. Brown really cared anymore because we both received an A.  Now we were sitting against the painted brick wall by the auditorium, eating lunch. That was my favorite part about exams.  You could do practically anything you wanted, and no one thought about it twice.  I set down the piece of pineapple pizza I was nibbling on, not feeling very hungry.  I drew my black skinny jean wearing knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, resting my head.

“I always thought that Christmas would be like what it is in the movies, as far as family goes.  Everyone comes over and we all fight and hate each other, but we love each other.  The house would be full of decorations and food, kind of like Christmas at the Weasley’s, you know?  You can’t stand your family, but you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else at the moment.  It’s like you could feel the Christmas spirit or whatever.  I’ve never had that,” I said.

Calum stroked my hair as he spoke softly.

“It doesn’t matter what you don’t have, Elena.  You just have to make the best out of what you do have,” he said.

. . .

Calum’s advice got me thinking.  I don’t want to sit around feeling sad for myself this year.  I was going to make something of this Christmas, no matter what I have or don’t have.  So with Calum’s help, I went to the store and got everything I would need.  I bought ingredients, decorations, and sparkling cider in place of Mom’s drink.  I knew there was no way that she could go the whole day without a drink, but maybe if I started her out without one, and tried to show her how good the day can be, she won’t get too drunk before I leave for Calum’s house.

On Christmas Eve, I let Mom sleep later than usual while I prepared most of tomorrow’s food.  It wasn’t anything too fancy, I’m definitely not a professional chef.  But I thought I did pretty good.  Mom’s favorite food is pizza, and she’s always bummed that she can’t get it on Christmas day because the only pizza places in town are closed.  Plus, Dad always cooked something, and he insisted that we would not have pizza.  All I really had to do tonight was grill the chicken and make the dough.  Calum offered to help me prepare, but I told him that I wanted to do this by myself and that he should spend tonight with his family, since he’s leaving tomorrow morning.  I set up the decorations, which was a holiday themed tablecloth, candles that looked fancy but were from the dollar store, and other random stuff from our own stash.  I set up the tree and decorated it, placing the wrapped presents underneath.  I really hoped this would go well.

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