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About an hour later, Calum and I were in his room, cuddling on his bed while listening to Green Day.  I admit, it was a little weird listening to American Idiot without jumping and dancing around like crazy, but I was in Calum’s arms,and I was focusing on that more than anything.  Why did I ever think that I could live without this?

I felt Calum stroke my face and I giggled, his long fingers tickling.

“Your giggle is so freaking cute,” he said.  I could hear the smile in his voice.

“You’re cuter,” I replied.

“No you are, beautiful,” he said.

“I can’t be cute and beautiful, pick one,” I laughed.

“Oh, but you can.”

We were silent for a few more minutes, just enjoying each other’s presence.  After our time on the roof, Calum said he didn’t want to share me with the rest of his family yet, so we’ve been staying in here.  Our comfortable silence was interrupted when my stomach growled.

“Looks like someone is a little hungry,” Calum laughed.

“I kind of haven’t eaten since breakfast,” I admitted.

“Then we need to get you some food!” Calum said and took my hand as he got up from the bed.  He led me to the kitchen, where his mother was sitting, happily reading the newspaper.

“Well hello Elena!  It’s nice to see you!” she smiled.

“Mom, don’t pretend you didn’t know Elena snuck into my room,” Calum said.

“Okay, I knew.  Were you surprised?” she asked.

“Yes,” Calum answered as he rummaged around in the fridge for something to eat.

“Elena, I must say that you look lovely.  You seem a lot happier and healthier.  I’m glad for you,” Joy said.

“Thanks,” I smiled, blushing.  

Calum decided to make nachos and when we were done stuffing our faces with them, we sat on his porch swing, enjoying the nice summer air.  It has been so long since I had been outside.  Of course we were allowed outside at the rehab, but it was always with a group or someone.  We had specific things to do like exercise or walking or playing a sport.  I couldn’t just sit and enjoy everything.  Calum had his arm around me, and I held his hand.  Right now, I didn’t want to be apart from him, not even to just go to the bathroom.  I thought about what my life was like before this.  I didn’t appreciate the joy just one person could give you.  I never really understood it.

“Are you still moving away?” Calum asked somberly.

“Yes,” I answered, knowing it would break his heart.

“What are we going to do?” he asked.

Secret // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now