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I woke up exhausted.  You know, when you sleep so long that you don’t feel well rested, you just feel like hiding under the covers and sleeping the day away.  My eyes feel like weights are pushing them down, forcing them to stay closed.  It’s taking all the energy I have to just blink.  So I laid there, with my eyes closed against the harsh sunlight, and I thought about everything that has happened.  I finally made the choice to do something for myself, something good.  I expect Mom will be livid, and she will be looking for me.  I expect her to call the police and twist everything so it will sound as if I took off for no reason.  I expect that I’ll be back with her some time in the future, but when that time comes, I am determined to force myself to fight back.  I finally feel like it’s time I take back control of my life.  It’s time for me to be happy again.

I don’t know what time it is, but I think it’s safe to say that I’m not going to school today.  I tried once again to open my eyes, and it was a real struggle.  But I kept them open and looked around the guest room.  Unlike my house, the walls were painted a bright blue color, there were artsy prints on the walls, and the furniture didn’t look like it came from a matching bedroom set at Ashley Furniture Home Store.  This family was everything I never had, everything I wanted to be.  They were kind, caring, and they had good decor.  They paid attention to each other and loved each other, but still fought in that comically lovable way you see on TV.  I wish I had a family like theirs. A tear almost escaped my eye, but I wiped it away as I heard someone knock on the door.

“Come in,” I said.

Mali-Koa came inside, smiling at me, her brown eyes the exact same as Calum’s, giving me some kind of comfort.  She pulled up a chair by my bed and sat down.  

“How ya doing?” she asked.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“Almost time for Calum to come home for lunch.  I’m actually supposed to go get the food.  He wants to see you,” she said, smiling kindly.

“Did he tell you...why I’m here?” I asked, almost choking on my words.

“No, but it’s not that difficult to figure out, honey.  Don’t worry.  You’ll be safe here,” she said, taking my hand and giving it a little pat for comfort.  

“But for how long,” I said to myself.

“We’ll worry about that when the time comes.  I have to go get the food now.  Do you want anything?  You must be starving,” she said.

“What are you getting?” I asked.

“Well I am a college student, so all I can afford is a burger,” she laughed.  I laughed a little with her, my ribs still tender.

“A burger sounds good,” I smiled, and she left the room, and pretty soon, the house.

I wondered about Calum’s parents, and what they do for a living.  I wondered if they were both at work right now, or if Mrs. Hood was a stay at home mother, and just out running errands.  I realized that I didn’t ask Calum that much about himself.  I know he likes dogs, and that he’s not Asian, contrary to popular belief.  I know he loves music and plays the bass, and loves to write songs, especially about me.  He likes the Derp Face and thinks he’s funny.  His favorite color is blue, and he’s confused about who he wants to be, Calum the Soccer Star, or Calum the Musician.  He has a big heart, loves too deeply, and cares beyond what is comprehensible.  I know stuff about him, but I realize now that almost every time we talk, it’s about me.  What my mom did, or how many times I cut, or how much I miss my dad.  I’m a big sob story.  How can I say that I really like and have feelings for Calum, when I haven’t taken the time to get to know him?

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