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Month 2


Today is Valentine’s Day, and I’m stuck in rehab.

I mean, if I weren’t in here, I wouldn’t have let Calum do anything for today anyway.  But it would still be nice if we could just sit together and watch lame romantic movies and share popcorn and buy all of the chocolates from the store, and maybe even send a prank card to Janie.  

They do kind of celebrate it in here, though.  They have chocolates for everyone who participates in group therapy, and mints for the anorexics, like Allie.  Over the past month, I’ve seen her progress.  She’s been getting healthier, going towards the weight she should be.  But she’s still so frail, and hardly eats.  

I’ve come to actually like Allie.  Her personality is so forward.  It’s nice to talk to her.  Instead of going around what I would say, she would challenge me and ask me directly about it.  But she would also know when I wanted to change the subject.  I didn’t think so at first, but she’s actually a good listener.  And another surprising thing...she’s nineteen years old.

“I know, I look like a twelve year old.  My body stopped growing once I stopped eating.  I was already small to begin with.  I’m a dancer, see, and I’ve always been small and had to watch my weight.  And now the doctor here tells me that if I don’t get better, I may never be able to dance again because of the damage to my bones,” she explained in group therapy.  Everyone expressed their sympathy, with the “awes” and the “I’m sorrys”.  

“Thanks for sharing, Allie.  You can have a mint for Valentine’s Day.  Or if you want to take a chocolate...it won’t hurt you,” Michelle said.  Everyone nodded in agreement.

“Take a chocolate!” Kristen said.

“I don’t know…” Allie said.

“It won’t hurt you!  You want to get better, don’t you?  Chocolate will help you get better,” Effy said.

“Can I share it with someone?” Allie asked.

“Well...as long as you eat it, then yes,” Michelle reasoned.

“Who do you want to share it with?” Naomi asked.

“Elena,” Allie smiled.

Everyone groaned because they thought they would be the one who would get an extra half of chocolate.  I smiled as Allie handed me my half of the normal sized Hershey’s bar.  I ate mine in about two seconds, but everyone paused, watching Allie.  She had it up to her mouth, but didn’t move.

“You can do it Allie!” Bella encouraged.

“It’s dark chocolate, that kind is supposed to be healthier anyway,” Kristen informed.

“I…” Allie said, and then after a long pause, she took a small bite.  And then another.  And another until it was gone.  It took a little while, but we all congratulated Allie and clapped.  If anyone from the real world could see us now…

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