Random (But Kind of Important I Guess)

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Okay. So first, how's your life going? Mine's pretty crap so far. Anyway, I know a lot of you are in love with TFIOS (including me!). Well today I had to do an assignment where we had to choose a movie (yes I am aware that TFIOS is a book its on my bed right now cause I started reading it again) that we wanted to see a sequel to. So after writing about what my TFIOS sequel would be, I was like "hey i'm kind of proud of this what if i share it with my wattpad friends and see what they think?". So here is my random TFIOS sequel for a class that I am happy to never be taking again cause it was so BORING.

"I would really like a sequel to this movie because I have unanswered questions. How long does Hazel have left to live? Does she visit Augustus' family after his death? Does she still go to the support group? Are her and Isaac still friends? Is there a way for Hazel to live?

My sequel would start off right after where the first movie ended. Hazel would be in her backyard reading Augustus' letter when her mom comes out to tell her some news. Her mom tells her that they have to go to the hospital. Hazel goes and sees Augustus' family there. She is very confused. They then tell Hazel that before Augustus died, he had a test done to see if his lungs would match Hazel's. They are a match, so Augustus filled out the paperwork before he became too sick and told the doctors that he wants Hazel to have his lungs, no matter what. His family agrees with him. Hazel can't accept, but then she eventually does after Augustus' mother tells her that it was Augustus' dyeing wish to make sure that Hazel would be okay without him, that she could live a normal life again. Hazel agrees to do the transplant.

A month later, Hazel has brand new lungs that work perfectly for her. She is technically cancer free, so she is doing more things in her life that she couldn't do before. She is taking classes at a university and majoring in English. She is also still friends with Isaac, and they attend the support group together, but not every week because they both agree that it's too depressing. Hazel still sees Augustus' family on some weekends, along with Isaac.

As time goes on, Hazel and Isaac develop feelings for each other, but ignore them because they think it's disrespectful to Augustus, whom they both love very much. Hazel asks her mom about it, who is now a grief counselor for families in the same situation that she was in, and her mom tells her that Augustus would want her to be happy, and if that means being with his best friend, then she should do it. Hazel tells Isaac that she is willing to try with him, and they begin a slow relationship.

Six months later, Hazel gets an offer to do an internship with her favorite author, who is not a jerk anymore. Hazel thinks about taking the internship because things aren't really working out between her and Isaac. Isaac has told Hazel that he loves her, but she can't say it back and wonders if they were really supposed to be together. She tells Isaac about the internship and he tells her that she should take it, and they can do long distance.

Hazel doesn't want to do long distance and thinks about breaking up with Isaac. She doesn't want to hurt him, but she realizes that she still loves Augustus more than anything in the world and needs to spend more time by herself. But because Hazel always thinks of others first, she turns down the internship and stays with Isaac.

A few weeks later, Isaac tells Hazel that he wants to take her somewhere. Being blind, he has Hazel drive them to the airport. She is confused. Isaac tells Hazel that he knows that she wants the internship but turned it down because she doesn't want to hurt him. He tells her that she is getting on a plane to live in Amsterdam and take the internship, and that they are breaking up because he knows that staying with him isn't what's best for her. She needs to go out and live the life that Augustus knew she wanted.

Hazel is shocked, but agrees to get on the plane and start her new life, realizing that this is really what she (and Augustus) wanted all along.

A year later, Hazel is still in Amsterdam and has a job working at a publishing company as an assistant. She is loving her life and thinks of Augustus every day, smiling because of everything he did for her."

So yeah that was my assignment, any thoughts? xx

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