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I stepped closer to Elena, wanting to make sure she was really okay.  She seemed off balance or something.  I saw blood trickling from her arm.  Where did that come from?

“Really?  Did you know you’re bleeding?” I asked her.

Her soft features turned to shock and fear.  Her brown eyes became wide, and she stepped away from me slightly.  But all of this only lasted barely a second before she composed herself as best as she could.  She cleared her throat and looked at the floor again, something she always does.

“Oh...um...yeah, my uh, my arm got cut yesterday...I guess the bandage came off or something...I...yeah-”

She left abruptly, turning away and walking quickly to her mother, who grabbed her arm like she has been the whole night, and I watched them leave school, too confused to try and stop her.  Although I didn’t know Elena very well, I know she was lying.  I could feel it somehow.  I didn’t know what Elena was going through, but it was obvious that she was going through something that could break her, or maybe it already has.

I went to find my mother and when I saw her, and we were safely in the car where no one could hear our conversation, I started talking.

“Did you see what I meant?” I asked.

“Yes, Calum, I saw what you meant.  Whatever that poor girl is suffering with, I want you to help her.  I don’t know the full story, but it seems like you’re the only one who can get close enough to do so,” she said seriously, her kind brown eyes, that were the same shade as mine, showing a sadness and compassion that only my mother can show.

I nodded my head.  I really did want to help Elena.  I didn’t care if her and I came from different places, if we hung out with different people.  She deserves to be helped.  


“What do you think people see you as?” I asked Elena.  It was a few weeks later, and we were finally getting back on track with our project.  I was trying my best to do what my mother told me, but I had to be careful.  If I just come out and say it, Elena will refuse my help.  I had to get close to her, earn her trust.  And it didn’t hurt that she was actually kind of nice to be around, when she wasn’t moody or defensive.

“I think people see me as...a hopeless freak who has no friends.  They see me as that weird, quiet girl in the back of the class.  Unless it’s you. You think I’m some kind of scary book,” she said, throwing a piece of candy at me.

“Ow!” I laughed.  She smiled slightly, something I had come to enjoy, and hadn’t even realized it until now.

“You’re in a better mood today. Why is that?” I asked.  She stopped smiling and averted her eyes to the ground.  

“So many questions,” she said, looking up at me again and throwing another piece at me, which I caught and happily ate.

“For the record, I didn’t mean that in a bad way.  Now on to the next question.  How do you see yourself?” I asked, nervously biting my lip in anticipation for her answer.

Secret // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now