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My hand really freaking hurts right now, but I won’t say anything because I can feel that Elena is in more pain than me right now.  It makes me sick, the way everyone treats her.  She doesn’t deserve any of it, and I’m glad that I chose her over them.  She’s so much more real and honest, and she sees me the way I really am.  No one else really cares what I’m like, they just care if I’m good enough to score the winning goal.  Even though she’s very reserved, she still opens up to me, and it makes me feel kind of special.  I should have realized sooner that she’s a much better friend than anyone else at that school.  

I had my arms wrapped around her at the moment, and I couldn’t quite describe it except for that it feels nice and I don’t really want to let go.  I caught myself thinking that I want to be the only person she opens up to.  After all, I am the only one who knows her secret, the only one who can help her.  And I want to, very badly.  She deserves to be happy.  

“You didn’t have to,” she whispered.  I pulled her closer, letting my fingers touch her hair.  I caught its scent; it smelled like lavender.  

“I want to,” I said back, meaning it.

Lunch would be over in a bit.  I know Derek won’t tell anyone what happened; he doesn’t want to risk losing his spot on the team.  But I still didn’t feel like dealing with any more classes today, and I sure as hell didn’t want to see his face.  And I know Elena doesn’t either.  I separated myself from her and smiled.  

“Wanna get out of here?” I asked.  She smiled and nodded her head.  I took her hand and we walked together to each of our lockers, getting our stuff.  The school’s security is really bad.  They have no cameras, and the two guards we have sleep most of the time.  There’s an emergency exit that’s so old it doesn’t set off an alarm anymore, so that will be our escape.  I led Elena to the door, but she paused.

“What?” I asked.

“How do you know about this door?” she asked.

“El, I’m not the only person in this school that wants to escape,” I laughed and opened the door.  When we were both outside, we made a quick getaway to my car and drove away as fast as was possible without getting caught.

“Where are we going?” she asked.  I thought for a minute.

“There’s this little clearing out in the woods by the park,” I answered.  It would be the perfect spot to just sit and talk, or relax, and not have anyone bother us.  It was also the perfect temperature outside.  Cold enough to need a comfy sweater, but warm enough to lay in the grass and feel the sun on your skin.  The leaves were changing, and falling.  I stopped the car and led Elena to the clearing.  When we found it, she gasped.

“It’s beautiful,” she said.

The clearing was somehow a geometrically perfect circle, surrounded by tall trees and clover in the spring and summer time.  The grass was soft and never stained your clothes or anything.  I took Elena’s hand and led her to the center of the clearing.  I kept our hands together, not really knowing why; I just didn’t really want to let go yet.  As if she were an angel, the sun was shining on Elena, lighting up her skin and hair.  I couldn’t really do anything else except for look at her.  She shyly smiled.

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