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“We have all semester,” she shrugged.  She quickly went out the front door, and before I even fully registered what happened, I was watching her small frame walk quickly away from my house, already halfway down the street.


“What did I do?” I asked myself out of anger.  


She could at least try to cooperate.  This is a big project, and I don’t want to work with someone who’s going to bring my grade down.  Mom was going on and on last night about how good this school will be for me.  And now she’ll probably be angry when she finds out I’ll have an F for the semester, and won’t listen when I say that it’s all Elena’s fault.


Pacing around my room, I was still a little annoyed.  I skipped going out with my friends tonight just so we could get this done.  Fridays are the only day I have off from practice besides the weekends, and now it’s been wasted.  I could just go and meet up with them wherever they were; it’s only about six o’clock, after all.  I decided I would do it.  I deserved a little fun after a hard week of practice and Elena’s games.  She just frustrates me so much.  Why does she act like that?  Granted, she doesn’t really have any friends, so maybe she doesn’t know how people work or whatever.


No, I can’t think like that.  She’s not an alien or anything.  She’s a person.  A very weird, messed up, and probably dangerously fragile person.  


I texted Derek before I got in the car to see where they were.  As soon as he answered, I got in my car and started driving towards the destination.  I was greeted with cheerful hellos when my friends spotted me.  They all decided to go to the mall because Janie needed to pick out a homecoming dress.  I had no idea on Earth why she was looking at homecoming dresses when it’s only late August, and the dance isn’t until late October.  I suppose it’s some type of girl logic.  I got a footlong from Subway and sat down to eat with them.  I noticed Derek had his arm around Janie.  He was getting closer.  I want Derek to be happy, but I don’t think Janie is the right one for him.  It’s obviously none of my business, but Janie is just a little too superficial for him, or for anyone, for that matter.  She was like a blond barbie doll, minus the smile.


“Look who’s here,” Janie said, looking in the direction of Panda Express.


We all turned to look, and saw none other than Elena, in line.


“Does she really think she can just come here by herself?  She’s such a loser,” Janie scoffed.


“Yeah,” Derek said.  I shot him a look.


“Like, this is our spot,” Hanna added.


“Guys, it’s a mall.  People come here all the time,” I interjected.


“Well she can’t!” Janie exclaimed.


“Why not?” I retaliated.

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