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My stomach was hurting when we pulled into the parking lot of the rehab.  My mind raced with thoughts and memories of watching American Horror Story: Asylum and all of those dramatic narratives about psycho inmates and never escaping.  But I had to remind myself that this is not an asylum, those have long since ceased to exist.  This is a nice place that will help me feel better.  I will not be stuck in here forever.  I will heal, and I will be normal again.  I will be happy again.  Mom and Dad held my hands as we walked in.  We were dropping me off first.  There is a separate ward for teens and adults.  Mom would be going to the ward for adults that is not far from here.  We would be close, but not allowed to see each other.  Not for now, at least.


“Hi, we’re here to check Elena Jacobs in,” Dad announced when we arrived at the front desk.


“Yes, the hospital informed me of your upcoming arrival.  Just fill out this paperwork while you say your goodbyes,” the secretary said.  Goodbyes?  The way she put it made everything sound worse than it is.


I can feel myself starting to shake.  I would be alone.  I won’t have visitors for the next two weeks.  I read somewhere that you have to earn privileges.  I will have to have a roommate.  I’m not good with new people.  I’m not good with people in general.  Maybe this was a bad idea…


“Elena?  Are you alright?” Dad asked.  I looked down at my lap.  These chairs weren’t comfortable.


“I’m scared, Dad,” I admitted in a quiet voice that reminded me of my first day of kindergarten.  In a way, this is just like that.


“It will be alright, honey.  You are going to get better, and so is your mother.”


“What about you?  How are you going to manage your PTSD if you’re home alone?” I asked.  I should be there to take care of Dad, this is a bad idea after all.


“I will be fine.  I have friends.  I have a counselor on speed dial.  I will have you and your mother to think of.  Don’t worry about me.  You focus on you,” Dad said.  I nodded, feeling a little better.


“Okay.  Dad?”




“Be nice to Calum.”


“Isn’t he the boy you said is friends with those kids that don’t like you?” he asked skeptically.


“He was, but he chose me over them.  He’s a really good person, Dad.  When you go back home, I want to know that you and him will get along,” I said.


“Why would we need to get along?” he asked.


“One, because he’s my best friend, and I love him.  Two, once I get out of here, we’re going to be boyfriend and girlfriend.  And three, I asked him to keep a watch on Caspar for me,” I explained.

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