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“I want to sleep,” she said abruptly.  I shut my mouth and tucked her in.  I decided to go downstairs, giving her her wish to be alone.  

I wish she wouldn’t shut me out like this.  One minute, she tells me everything, and the next, she doesn’t want to be bothered.  She’s starting to act the way she did when we first met.  I thought we were past all of this.  I thought she was finally ready to just trust me.  She told me she trusts me, she told me that I’m the only person she can come to.  Was it all a lie?  I’m not mad.  Mom always told me I should never be mad at someone for the way they feel.  But I thought Elena felt the same way I did.  I just want her to finally be free from pain.  She doesn’t deserve any of this.  If I didn’t care so much about her, I would find this Nathan guy and beat the shit out of him.  That would only cause more trouble though.  I don’t want trouble, but I do want Elena to realize that she needs to tell someone.  It doesn’t matter that Janie’s blackmailing her.  That party was over a year ago, the investigation must be over by now.  If Janie ever does try to say something anyway, I’ll be the one to shut her up.  She’s so delusional.  Why would Elena lie about something like that?  Janie just doesn’t want to believe that her seemingly perfect boyfriend would do that.  

I sat at her kitchen table, trying to do some homework, when I heard shower water running.  I thought it wasn’t a big deal.  But an hour later, it was still running.  Worried, I went upstairs to Elena’s room.  Her bed was empty, and her bathroom door was open.  I hesitantly walked in the bathroom.  There was steam everywhere, and it was burning up.  But what I saw scared me more than anything.  Elena was in the shower, fully clothed, completely soaked, with a cut on her wrist, and passed out.  I quickly turned off the water and grabbed a towel.  I wrapped it around Elena as I picked her up once again bridal style and carried her to her bed.  I didn’t want to do this, but I removed her pants and shirt and quickly found a long t-shirt and put in on her.  I covered her side of the bed in towels and positioned her on them.  Finally, I looked at her wrist.  I got a heavy feeling in my heart.  It was still bleeding a little, and looked very painful.  I took some first aid supplies and cleaned it up, wrapping her wrist in gauze.  I checked her pulse.  She was still breathing, thank God.  I took her hand as I laid beside her, hoping she would wake up soon.  I kissed her forehead, my silent tears mixing with her damp hair.

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