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My stomach bubbled with anticipation when Calum pulled into the driveway of the infamous Michael Clifford’s house.  Although I’m sure Calum’s other friends were nice people, I didn’t want them to think that I’m weird or anything.  I don’t know how much Calum has told them about me.  I don’t want them to treat me differently.  I just want to be treated normally, not like the school basket case.  When we were parked, Calum took my hand.  It caught me by surprise, but I think I enjoyed it.  He gave me a reassuring smile.

“It’ll be okay,” he said, and got out of the car.  Like the gentleman I’m sure his mother raised him to be, he went to my side and opened my door for me.  I nervously stepped out.  All of the sudden, all of these different thoughts raced through my head.  What if they don’t like me?  What if they think I’m weird?  What if they pretend to like me, but then later talk about me?  What if I suddenly get sick or something?  I don’t want to cause drama, or bring attention to myself.  I started to breathe quickly, but I felt Calum’s large hand take mine again and I looked up at him.

“You’ll be fine,” he said, his eyes serious.  I don’t think Calum knows how hard it is for me to meet new people.

Still holding  my hand, he led me up the stairs to the front door.

“I thought you said practice is in the garage?” I asked, stopping.

“It is.”

“Then I’ll just wait there then-”

“No you won’t!  Elena, you’ll be okay, they’re nice guys and they really want to meet you,” Calum said, pleading with me through the look on his face.

“Fine.  How much have you said about me to them?” I asked.

Calum stayed silent as he opened the door and suddenly, I was ambushed by three other guys.  In the midst of it all, Calum and I separated.  I dodged off to the side while the four guys jumped and hugged in a circle like giggly school girls.  I laughed slightly.  That brought their attention to me.

“Guys, this is Elena,” Calum said.

The three boys all looked at me and smiled.  The first one, the tall one with quiffed blonde hair, nodded at me.  The second one, a little shorter, with pale skin and bright blue hair, smiled.  The third, and last one, the slightly tanned one with messy hair grinned very widely.



“Wait, I thought it was hey?” the blonde one asked.

“I thought it was hi!” the pale one asked, looking extremely confused.

“Is it hi or hey?” the curly haired on giggled.  I didn’t think a guy could giggle, but he did.

“You guys are going to embarrass me so bad,” Calum grimaced.

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