Zak Bagans

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You were currently standing in line at your favorite coffee shop waiting to place your order. "What can I get you?" "I'll have a grande green tea please." You said while pulling a five dollar bill out. "The man in front of you paid already, ma'am." You looked at her in confusion until she pointed to a man sitting at a table in the back corner. He smiled when he saw you look at him and you turned back to the lady. "Right, well thanks." You said as you placed the five in the tip jar. You grabbed your tea and walked to the mystery man. "Is this seat taken?" You asked while pointing to the vacant chair across from him. "It is now." He said with a smile. You sat down and took a sip of your tea. "Thank you for the drink but I don't normally take drinks from strangers." "I'm Zak." "Nice to meet you. I'm (Y/N)." "There, now we aren't strangers. So tell me more about yourself." And that was the start of your relationship. Everyday you would meet up for coffee, except when he was investigating, and got to know each other more. One day, you both were talking about some show when he just stopped talking and stared at you. "Zak? Are you okay?" "Would you like to go to dinner sometime?" He spoke so quick you couldn't understand what he said. "What?" He cleared his throat and took your hands in his. "I said, would you like to go to dinner with me sometime?" You felt your face heat up. "I'd love to." He smiled and kissed your hand. "Great. How about tonight? I'll pick you up around 6?" "Sure." "Well then, I will see you later, (Y/N)." And with that he walked out of the shop. You went home and finished some work before getting ready. You kept looking in the mirror anxiously. You were wearing a black dress that went slightly past your knees and you had decided on straightening your hair. "What if he doesn't like the dress? I knew I should have gone for the jeans and sweater." You heard the doorbell ring and you shook your head. "Too late to change now." You mumbled. You took a deep breath before opening the door. Zak was standing there in jeans and a black button down shirt that clung to his chest nicely. His hair was gelled up and he was holding a bouquet of roses. "Wow, you look incredible." He said while looking you up and down. You blushed and mumbled a thanks. "Here, I thought you would like these." He said while handing you the roses. "They're beautiful. Let me go put these in a vase. Please, come in." You said while opening the door. He stepped inside and shut the door while you went to fill the vase up with water. When you came back to the front hallway, you saw Zak looking at all the pictures on the wall. "You ready?" He looked at you and smiled. "Always. After you." He opened the door for you and shut it behind the both of you. He offered you his arm, which you took, and led you to his car. It was a quick car ride, but nice none the less. When you pulled up to his driveway, you stared in awe. "Do you like it?" "Yeah." He chuckled and quickly got out to help you. The inside was just as beautiful as the outside. "I'm gonna finish setting the table. Feel free to look around." He said before disappearing into the kitchen. You walked into the living room and looked at all the pictures he had on the wall. You were looking out to his back yard when you felt something wet touch your leg. You squeaked and jumped back. When you looked down, you saw his dog wagging her tail and looking at you expectantly. "Oh hey there beautiful. You scared me." You said while petting her head. "Hey (Y/N), dinner's ready." You heard Zak yell from somewhere in the house. "Okay! I'm coming!" You walked to where you heard his voice and saw the table set beautifully. "It's not five star but it's edible." You giggled and walked over to the table. He pulled your chair back for you before walking to his own. You both ate and talked for what seemed like forever, when you felt yourself get tired. "It's getting late. Let me drive you home." He helped you out to the car and drove you home. Once there, he wrapped an arm around your waist and helped you inside. "I had a nice time Zak, thank you." He kissed your forehead before stepping back. "Anytime princess. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, he walked out to his car and drove away. You walked upstairs and changed into your pjs before climbing into bed and falling asleep with a smile on your face.

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