Zak Bagans (requested)

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You sighed as you gathered your equipment together. The GA crew were once again returning to Bobby Mackey's, but it was your first time investigating this place. You had seen the videos, listened to the audio, and witnessed the aftermath of each investigation and you were hesitant to go forward with it. "Hey, you okay?" You looked up and saw Zak standing there with a look of concern. "I'm not sure about this. Nothing good has ever come out of his place and I think it's stupid we're going back in." He sighed and walked closer to you. "It's nothing we haven't handled before. If something happens, we can handle it." "You can't fight what you can't see." You said before grabbing your camera and walking away. "Come on, Bunny!" You stepped outside of nerve center and shut the door. You pulled your jacket tighter around you and stared up at the building in front of you. You felt like you were being watched and it made you beyond uncomfortable. "Let's just get this over with." You mumbled before joining Aaron and Zak on the way inside. You shuffled into one of the back rooms and took a seat. "Is there anybody here with us?" You asked softly. You heard shuffling and pointed the camera in that direction. "Zak, Aaron, are you moving around?" "No, I thought that was you." You rolled your eyes. "I'm sitting down. How could I possibly walk around?" You heard a loud noise come from the other room and Zak quickly went to investigate. "Aaron, I've got a bad feeling about this." You mumbled. "I'm sure it'll be okay, Bunny." You stood up and walked into the room Zak had ventured into. "Zak? You good?" You saw Zak standing in the middle of the room but he was just... standing there. "Zak?" He slowly turned around and you noticed he looked like he was spacing out. "Aaron! Get in here!" A smile grew on Zak's face as Aaron cans running into the room with Billy close behind him. "Oh lookie, the gangs all here." He said before chuckling. His voice was deeper and it sent chills down your back. "Well... almost. It looks like you've brought fresh meat. Bunny, right?" You felt your breath get caught in your throat and tried to keep your wits about you. "It's not polite to remain silent when spoken to." He walked closer to you and you took a few steps back. Aaron and Billy stepped in front of you and Zak smiled again. "How cute." He muttered before grabbing Billy and throwing him across the room. "Billy!" You yelled and received a groan in response. You looked back and saw Zak push Aaron aside. "Zak, listen. I know you can hear me. You need to fight this." You stared while trying to keep distance between you and Zak. "Zak's stepped out for a minute. He'll be back later... maybe." He said before lunging at you. You quickly moved to the side and ran to the other side of the room. You felt something burning on your side but you decided it could wait till you were in a safer position. "You've got fire in you, Bunny." He said with a smile. "I'll let you in on a secret. Zak likes a girl with fire." You tried to figure out what to do when Jay ran in with a bottle in his hand. He looked around and saw Zak getting closer to you. "Hey! Show's over!" He yelled causing Zak to look at him. Jay opened the cap and splashed what looked like water, but when it hit Zak's skin it burned him. "Holy water." You mumbled with a smirk. Zak looked at you angrily and grabbed your wrist tightly. "This isn't over, sweetheart." He growled before collapsing to his knees. You quickly pulled your wrist away and ran over to where Aaron and Billy were sitting. "Are you guys okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?" You helped them to their feet. "I'll survive." You all looked over at Zak, who was trying to stand up. You hesitantly walked over. "Zak?" You whispered. He turned and look at you. "What the hell happened?" He asked and you sighed in relief. You walked over and wrapped an arm under his shoulders and helped him walk out of the building. When you got to nerve center, you helped him take a seat before taking one of your own. You hissed and lifted up the side of your shirt to see three long scratches running down your side. "Oh god, Bunny. Did I do that to you?" You quickly pulled your shirt down and looked over at him. "It's not bad. I'm just glad you're okay." He sighed and put his head in his hands. "Did I... did I hurt anyone else?" "Aaron and Billy took a hit but they seem okay." He stood up and started pacing. "I can't believe I did that." You stood up and walked over to him. "You didn't do anything. You were possessed and had no control of your body." He looked at you and you felt your heart break at the sight on his face. "I'm so sorry." He whispered. "It's okay. But next time I say we shouldn't take an investigation, we don't do it." He chuckled and pulled you in for a hug. "Fair enough."

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