Another Meeting

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As the blonde laid in her bed that night she was riddled with pain, worry and concern. The faces of those two scared little girls and their mother would not escape her mind. Not for anything. Usually she tried not to bring her work home but this was not letting up as she tossed and turned in her bed now getting up and seeing it was well past 2am. Letting out a sigh she threw on her shirt and glanced out the window as the rain had continued to pour. In her mind she felt only a small amount of comfort knowing she had given Lena her card. Maybe she would use it if things got to bad, maybe they didn't need to get that bad for her to leave. Maybe she would leave on her own? Not likely for Stef had an idea that the slim woman had probably thrown it out insisting she didn't need any help and that her husband was not beating her. It was so far from the truth and so far from reality that it pained the blonde more then ever. Who knew how long Lena had been enduring the abuse, infact maybe she had been abused as a child herself and just didn't know any better or didn't think she deserved better. But she did she deserved to live free and unafraid. Walking sleepily into the kitchen she grabbed a pint of vanilla ice cream and plopped on the couch flicking the channels. From the time she met Lena and her girls just yesterday she knew it had been off and her instincts were correct. Callie seemed sweet but protective and rebellious to a point. Mariana was so shy almost hiding in a shell of worry and fear. Lena was terrified which is why she had come off so angry in the house. The blonde almost knew how it was going to turn out and not in a good way. Either Lena would stay with him and continue to suffer, she may try to leave a few time but go back, or someone would end up dead. She knew it as she looked at the file on her couch of the report she and Mike had filled out.

Kevin Richards. Male. Age 45. Born in Portland, Oregon. Married to Lena Adams-Richards. Age 38. Two kids. Callie Adams Richards age 6 and Mariana Adams Richards age 5. No previous arrest. Occupation. CEO of Citicorp San Diego. Victim claims she fell down the stairs. No arrest made. No charges filed.

Stef after reading threw the folder down at the useless report. Lena didn't fall down the stairs that morning for when she saw her at the ice cream shop her face was no where near that banged up. Thoughts of going to the house swam around in her head as she could feel a headache coming on and was eager to get to work in the morning to check on that address. Maybe other officers had been called to that scene. She didn't know she just knew they needed help. And fast. Clicking the channels up and down again as she finshed the pint of ice cream she heard her phone buz and quickly grabbed it.

"Stef Foster."

"Hey Stef. Mike."

"Hey what's up? You're awake this late?"

"Ah you know I never sleep unless your next to me or on top of me naked."

The blonde busted out laughing.

"Then you must sleep once a year." she said rolling her eyes sarcastically with a smile on her face

"You're to much. Anyway letting you know we got career day tomorrow at an elementary school."

"What? Since when?"

"Since now. Roberts called me. The two other officers bailed out."

"What about the rookies? Why do we have to suffer and let alone bore a bunch of kids to death? We have enough seniority to say no."

"Ha. True but I don't think you really want to tell her that. Said she was in a bind and rookies don't have enough experience."


"Why do you hate kids so much?" He laughed.

"I don't. I just don't know what the hell to say to them."

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