The Girls

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Earlier that night

As Stef left the two girls in the bedroom for the night to get some rest herself on the couch Callie soon turned to her little sister and kissed her forehead softly.

"She is nice. I like her." Mariana said softly as she held onto her bear laying her head next to Callie's on the pillow.

"She is. I like her too. But I don't think she ever had kids before." Callie observed as they remained silent for a bit.

"Cals, do you think mama is ok? I miss her. I miss her so much." by this time tears were falling down her young face yet again.

"It will be ok Mari. We will see her. She just needs to get rest and for her bruises to get better."

"Why did he do that to her. Why did he hurt her?"

"I don't know Mari."

"I'm scared he will find us. What he finds us? He almost found us in the house." Mariana admitted as Callie knew what she said was the truth for their father had almost found them. The two had heard him yelling their names over and over again which caused for them to barricade the door with the heavy dresser and whatever else they could find. They knew he was dangerous and he could potentially hurt them just like their mother. Truth was they had been in the closet for a day and lucky for them they had snacks left over in their backpacks from school along with water and juice boxes. For one reason or another Lena had always over packed their lunches as if she was preparing for an emergency at all times. In reality she was.

"Don't be scared. Ok?" she said leaning closer into her sister and hugging her tight.

"But I'm scared to sleep in here Callie."


"I don't know. There are weird shadows on the wall. Look" she said pointing to the wall that showed the shadows from the tree as Callie frowned finding them a little on the scary side too.

"Stef, is a police officer she won't let anything happen."

"But what if she falls asleep and doesn't here us screaming?"

Looking to her sister Callie thought for a second.

"Come. We can ask her to turn the light on."

As she grabbed her sisters hand the two jumped out of the over sized bed now peeking out the door. Careful not to make any noise they walked into the living room seeing Stef asleep on the couch with her police uniform still on.

"She does't have pajamas?" Mariana asked.

"Maybe we are wearing them." Callie shrugged her shoulders as they quietly walked over as the blonde remained passed out.

"Lets just sleep out here. It will be ok."

Mariana nodded her head as they climbed up on opposite sides of the cop. Mariana for the first time laid her head in Stefs lap as Callie spotted a blanket on the arm of the couch and grabbed it. Pulling it over them she now sat on the other side of Stef resting her head against her arm as she held her sisters hand.

"Goodnight Mari. I love you." she whispered.

"I love you too Callie."

With that they feel asleep.


As the blonde awoke she felt a strange weight on her one that she did not recognize. Soon opening her eyes she glanced down to see Mariana asleep in her lap and Callie sleeping against her arm. Soon realizing she had taken the girls home last night reality started to set back in as she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Careful not to wake Mariana and seeing it was almost 730 she picked up the call as Mikes name flashed across the screen.

'Yeah?" she said her voice feeling dry and her brain in desperate need of coffee.

"Wow rough night?" He chuckled.

"Just a little tired what's up." she whispered feeling Callie shift a bit as she now wrapped her arm around the young girl and Callie snuggled more into her.

"Letting you know this shithead is still in here. Course he denies it all."

"Yeah shocker didn't see that one coming."

"Tell me about it. How's is their mom. Any news?"

"She's ok. Will take them today if I can."

"Ok. That's a relief. And how are they? Did they survive with you?" he laughed.

"Real funny."

"Hey your the one who said you don't know what to do with kids yet now you have two." He laughed again as Stef shook her head looking at the two sleeping girls who were literally glued to her. " Anyway, you need me to bring anything over? I know you don't have any real food in there."

"No I think I'll just take them to eat and get some groceries. But if you could pick up some of their toys from the house and some clothes. That would be helpful. I also need to call my mother." the blonde said leaning her head back for she knew that was one conversation she would like to put off. But she needed her mother's help today.

"Good lord. Good luck with that."

"Yeah thanks."

"Alright let me head out I'll drop by some of their stuff later."


"Not a problem."

Hanging up Stef looked down smiling to see Mariana shift a little on her and she gently rubbed her back. The cop hated to wake them but she needed to call the hospital to check on Lena and get them something to eat.

"Sweethearts wake up loves." she whispered to both of them as Mariana moved around on her lap once again.

"Callie love time to get up honey." Softly she kissed the top of her head as Callie wrapped her arms around her tight. "Wake up loves we need to go get some breakfast. How about some eggs, pancakes, bacon?"

"Mariana doesn't eat eggs or bacon." Callie soon mumbled and the blonde couldn't help laugh.

"Ahh so you are up cuteness."

Lifting her head up from the cops shoulder she wiped her sleepy eyes glancing around like she had forgotten where she was.

"Good morning cutie." the cop smiled as Callie looked to her and Mariana her eyes bugged out.

"I forgot where I was." she admitted still rubbing her eyes.

"That's ok. Are you hungry baby?"

"Huh huh."

"You think this cutie is hungry too."

"I think so."

"Ok. How about I get you both dressed and we go to the pancake house?"

"Can we call my mama first?" Callie asked nervously.

"Of course sweetheart. I was just about to do that." she winked dialing the hosptial once again.

You guys think Lena is ok?

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