Beautiful Mornings

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This chapter contains sexual content


As my eyes opened wide I woke up with a giant smile on my face as Stef snuggled her face into my neck sleeping soundly. Our legs intertwined as we pressed our warm naked bodies into each other almost melting into one. However, with her hand wrapped and resting behind my neck we still couldn't get as close as we wanted to one another for physics wouldn't allow it. Leaning my head on her soft face I ran my hand up and down over her naked spine. A spine I had kissed and licked so softly last night sending shivers up her back as well as mine finding out it was a spot that gave her more pleasure then she realized. Even if she didn't admit it Stef liked the attention I had given her as I watched her strong armor melt away with each passing hour. Her moans last night had grown louder, longer and significantly more and more lustful as I remained on top of her our pussies rubbing and slicking against each others. The way she would look at me was something I could never describe as I felt her body tighten and stiffen repeatedly with each orgasm I had given her. Knowing I could do that to her, knowing I could do that to someone that was so strong, someone that showed so much confidence made me realize how comfortable I had become, how confident I had become and how strong our love was.

Running my hands through her long beautiful blonde hair now I realized this wasn't a typical position for us for it was normally Stef who held me in her arms each night and I would snuggle into her. Nonetheless, I loved it when she put her guard down and let me take charge and care of her for once. She had done it for almost a year and right now I was still in so much shock that she had asked me to marry her. It was almost like a dream one that I had always wished for as I felt the giant diamond engagement ring hug my ring finger. For me it was still so hard to believe what had transpired last night. It was still hard to believe that Stef had proposed to me, that she had planned the entire evening for us and had taken us to one of the most expensive hotels to do it. She had literally spoiled me from day one and my life with her and our girls was heaven. Marrying her I had no doubt in my mind that we would only continue to fall even more in love year after year, that our marriage would grow stronger as the time passed and that I would never ever grow tired of her. Where she came from I had no idea for someone had truly put an angel in my life. One I would have forever. To me if I thought to much about it I would tear up, if I thought too much about my past and the pain that I was born into I would not be able to think or live my life. This new life that I knew I deserved and where I would become Lena Adams Foster our names tying us together forever along with our girls.


As Stef laid on her back I looked deep into her hazel eyes as I leaned down pressing my lips on hers. We had fucked for the last few hours off and on, sweat running down our bodies our pussies leaking all over each other. But it was different now, we didn't want that, we wanted it slow, we wanted it delicate, we wanted it sweet and tame. Feeling her hand on the back of neck pushing me down more into her mouth our tongues rolled around each others slowly, our pussies rubbing softy against each others and moans escaping our mouths.

"Lena my love?" she whispered as I felt her run her hands up and down my shoulders more graciously then ever.

"Yes sweetheart." I answered as I kissed down the front of her neck hearing her moan once again at how good I as making her body feel.

"I want to make love to you."

"I do to Stef. I do too." Smiling shyly at her and kissing her lips once again we melted into each other for what seemed like the 100th time that night. Right now we both knew it wasn't about fucking this time, it was about feeling each others bodies differently, it was about patience, and it was about expressing a love that was growing stronger and more intense each day. As I continued to kiss her feeling her hands run all over my body I sat up slowly as her eyes roamed my entire body up and down.

"I could look at you all day baby." I really could." she admitted as our fingers intertwined with each others and she brought my ring finger to her lips kissing it. "You are so, so beautiful, everything about you. That smile, that gorgeous curly hair, your soft brown skin that I could touch for hours. I can't wait for you to be my wife. Truth is I saw you as my wife a long time ago"

"You, you did?"

"Yes love. You have made my life worth living." She spoke so softly as it literally was killing my heart more and more and tears were forming in my eyes. Carefully I got up from her and moved to the side of the bed no longer facing her. My emotions were beyond anything at this point and I just didn't want to cry again. Feeling Stef wrap her arms around my waist she gently kissed my shoulder.

"Whats wrong love? Did I say something?"

"No baby of course not. But I can't wait to marry you. I can't. All my life no one ever wanted me, no one ever loved me and I struggled just to make it. To make it to the next hour, to make it to the next day and to the next home. With you I have never struggled once, if anything I struggle to keep time still. I have never wanted to keep time still in my life ever. But I want hours to feel like years, I want our days to feel like decades and our life to feel like a century. I just can't ever explain how much I love you. Does that make sense?"

"Yes baby. It make sense. Each and every single bit of it. And you will never have to struggle with life ever with me and with me by your side. Ever." Looking deep into her soul and her heart she laid me on my back kissing my body all over in the most gentle way possible.

"I just want to feel you." I whispered in her ear.

"You will feel me all night baby if that's what you want."


Coming out of my memory I felt her nuzzle even closer to me and I tightened my grip around her. Despite how good I felt and how amazing she made me feel I knew I needed to see Kevin and see him soon in order for us to really begin our life.


As Kevin Richards continued to rot away in a jail cell his anger and fury had not subsided during the year. If anything he become even more enraged after receiving the divorce papers and papers suggesting he reverse the adoption he had with Mariana and Callie leaving Lena as their only parent. So he thought. In his mind he would never do either for he had no intentions of making Lena's life easy. He still had her around his finger, he still owned her, he still owned those girls and he would make sure she knew it.

"I'm not signing shit Eric. I told you that months ago! She is still my fucking wife and those kids are still mine! Fuck her!" He yelled as he threw the divorce papers across the room.

"Listen, I understand that I do but it's not just divorce papers. She wants you to reverse the adoption."


"You adopted the girls together right?"


"She wants you to give them up so that, well so that her partner can adopt them."

"What partner? What the fuck are you talking about!?"

"Kevin, she's in a relationship with a cop."


"Yes. A woman. Stefanie Foster. She works with the SDPD."

"Why does that name sound familiar?" He questioned looking confused and more angry then before if that was possible.

"Because she's the cop who arrested you."

"Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me. I end up in here because my bitch of a wife lied and she turns into a dyke! And I'm the crazy one!" he chuckled in a sinister way.

"Listen even if you don't sign these papers based on the charges she can still take you to court and get one without your signature, and you can loose your girls as well."

"You listen to me and you listen good. I want to see her, I want to see her weak, vulnerable, skinny ass face to face. You get the black bitch in here. Once she see's me she won't be able to talk that shit. I'll put her in her place like I always have." He growled not being aware of how much Lena had changed and that he would never ever be able to intimidate her again.

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