New Feelings

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My mind was gone and I had the biggest smile on my face ever as I looked up to ceiling of my bedroom. Last night had truly taken me by surprise with Stef admitting her true feelings to me. It was almost like a dream one that wasn't meant to be mine for someone as wonderful as her falling for me just didn't seem real. It didn't seem real or at all possible but it was.  It was and it was my dream to have.  The kisses we had shared I never ever wanted them to end and I never wanted her lips to leave mine. God they were the softest lips I had ever felt in my life and the smoothest. With a smile remaining on my face I glanced to the clock seeing it was well past 8AM and I decided to get up and make some coffee and breakfast for everyone.

Being that it was Saturday I was happy to let the girls sleep in for once as I walked out my bedroom peeking into theirs seeing them still both sound asleep. Only once since my time home had Callie crawled in the bed with me and Mariana in the bed with Stef. By this time the two of us started to see who the girls gravitated to first and it was usually Callie to me and Mariana to Stef. However, it didn't always seem to go  that way for there were many instances were Callie would run to Stef first, especially during a bad thunderstorm, and Mariana to me.  In our minds it really depended on what the girls felt they needed and who they needed at a certain time. 

Smiling at them both I was finding it so hard to believe that their birthday was tomorrow. Yes it was ironic that they shared the same day even if they were a year apart and quit unique. In my mind I just  couldn't believe Callie would be seven and Mariana six as I wondered where the time had gone. It just seemed to go by in a blink of an eye and I was trying to hold onto it for dear life. Closing the door quietly as to not wake them I tiptoed out into the living room to see the love of my life passed out on the pullout. As I stood in the hallway staring at her she was literally the most beautiful person I had ever laid my eyes on and I just could not get enough of her. The tension and weight of our feelings had literally driven both of us to near insanity the past few weeks and I was just glad that weigh was lifted. It was truly a relief for us to admit what we had been feeling so deeply, and that our love for each other was equal and far more intense then we had realized.  But goodness did I love her and I had no idea what to even do with it. I just knew I was more in love then I ever had been in my life and for the first time ever someone loved me back. Loved me in the way I deserved and I was very well aware that the therapy and much needed counseling I was getting was helping me realize what I deserved. If it happened to be with a woman then so be it. She was better then any man I had ever been with.

As I walked quietly over to her I leaned down to kiss her cheek gently moving her beautiful hair from her face.  Realizing she was pretty knocked out for we had went to bed at nearly 5AM for we had been up talking, giggling and making out,  I let her sleep some more for I didn't have the heart to wake her up. 

Quietly heading into the kitchen now I got out the pans and coffee hoping to brew a nice strong pot. It had been years since I was able to enjoy this. To enjoy the morning hours without any fear or anxiety and panic. Being here with Stef had help me remember how much I loved cooking, how much I enjoyed trying different meals and how much I loved cooking for others. She had been kind enough to buy me a  new set of pants and literally marveled at everything I made. Truth was I loved cooking for her and I loved doing many things for her and I would continue too.

"What has you so deep in thought baby?" I soon  heard feeling someone wrap their arms around my waist and kiss my inner neck as I let out the widest smile ever my body melting into hers.

"One kiss and your all over me huh?" I joked loving the way she touched me more then anything.

"Whoa. Yes, I'm trying to get what I can before those two little rugrats wake up." With that she picked me up and placed me  on the counter as I continued to smile the widest ever and giggling my heart out . Standing between my legs like she had done a few weeks ago she rubbed my thighs up and down again moving closer to me. "And as I recall it was more then one kiss baby."

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