A New Love

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As the family danced the day and night away the wedding was truly more magical than they could have ever wished for. The girls were really enjoying themselves to the fullest dancing and running around with everyone as their mama's took a break from time to time watching them giggle and just be kids. With their hands remaining locked together Stef couldn't help but continue to admire and stare at Lena more and more not taking her eyes off of her for a second. Now that she was her wife something in her felt different. She felt more complete, her heart was no longer aching and she felt whole for the first time ever as she rubbed the wedding band on the slim woman's hand over and over.  Lena of course could feel her wife's gaze and quickly looked over smiling softly at her. She too of course felt just the same as Stef. Whole and complete and that she was really truly loved by someone for the first time ever. 

"Hi." Lena whispered softly as Stef's smile grew across her face. The day had definitely gotten the best of her emotions something she never showed.

"Hi sweetheart. Are you enjoying yourself baby?" 

"Yes. Are you?" Leaning in closer to her wife they snuggled together even more as the blonde continued to rub the wedding band.

"Yes. Very much so. The babies are too."

"I know. They are going to pass out tonight." They laughed looking to the girls who were still running around happily with their grandparents and Mike.

"Won't be bad thing huh?" the blonde winked as Lena let out a shy smile.

"Definitely not. But can you believe it? I mean can you believe we are married?"

"No." The cop chuckled. "It felt like one of those things you want so badly but it takes forever to happen."

"I know. That's exactly how it felt." Glancing back to the guests and her girls a smile remained on her face."Stef?"

"Yeah sweetheart?" Stef asked taking another sip of champagne as her hand remained locked with Lena's rubbing it softly.

 "Your vows were so beautiful baby. I couldn't keep it together when I heard them." 

"Aww so were yours my love.  And talk about not keeping it together. How embarrassing. I cried my eyes out." Letting out an awkward laugh she shook her head at how she had cried during the entire ceremony. She had stumbled and stuttered over a few words but tired to remember what her mother had told her and what her own little girl had told her. Speak from your heart and it will come out. It will come out no matter what and no matter how scary it may be to admit your feelings in front of everyone.  However, it had been far from scary and she had been proud to tell everyone just how she felt about Lena.

"That's ok honey. You're an emotional person and it was beautiful for me to see how you put all your walls down. You really did baby."

"Yeah? Well when it comes to you and those babies I can't keep any walls up no matter how hard I try. It's impossible. Plus I was proud to say it in front of everyone just how I feel about you and what you mean to me. " Smiling warmly at her wife she let out another smile herself as Lena gently began to rub the blondes wedding band that had fit like a glove. 

"You are so sensitive Stef you really are just like Callie.  At times I think you are more sensitive than me and I think Callie is more sensitive than Mariana. It's just something you would never realize and can't really see it on the outside. But it's something I love and always will."

"Ha I think everyone knows it now!" she laughed shaking her head. 

"Maybe. But it's a beautiful thing. It's one of the things that I first noticed about you. Sure you cover things up with joking and being tough but deep inside you are so soft, so sweet and so caring. Our girls liked you for a reason from the beginning."

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