The Dream

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"Callie! Callie" The young girl glanced around completely terrified seeing that she was in her old dark bedroom as she could hear her father screaming her name.  But what was she doing here? How did she get here? Where was Mariana? Where was Stef? Where was her mama?  Glancing around more panicked then ever the room felt cold and the shadows on the wall were growing larger then ever as her stomach continued to turn. Last thing she remembered was being in her new bedroom with Mariana and Stef tucking them in and reading them a story. Then she drifted off to sleep. But that was not what she was seeing now. This was not her new room

"Callie! I know you're in here! You better come out now before you regret it! I swear you will regret it!"

As Callie continued to hear her father scream her name she grabbed her polar bear running to the closet and finding it locked. She twisted the doorknob crying her eyes out looking for any place to hide as tears continued to stream down her cheeks. She was so scared more scared then ever as she just wanted her mamas and her sister as she now crawled under her bed. Where was everyone? Were they out there with him? Maybe he hurt them already? But her mommy was a cop and she wouldn't let anyone get them. She had promised. However, now she could see he had opened her bedroom door and she saw his feet from under the bed. Her stomach was turning even more as she held her bear so close to her. 

"Callie! you better come out before I hurt this cop, your mama and sister! You better get out here if you know what is good for you! You better!"

Upon hearing this the girls eyes grew wider as she now  crawled out from under the bed. There was no way she wanted her mama's to get hurt or her little sister. That thought alone even at six terrified her as she now stood in front of him as he  towered over her smirking evily. Callie had tried so hard not to cry as she wondered where her family was, but it was hard as fear continued to fill her small body.

"Please daddy, please don't hurt them! Please don't hurt them!" She cried  as he walked closer  to her hovering  over her small frame.

"Too late. You won't ever, ever see them again!" He growled as she now screamed out the loudest she ever screamed ripping Stef out of her sleep as she jumped out the bed running into Callie's room. There she found her still trapped in her dream twisting and turning her body in the bed and unable to wake up. 

"Callie, Callie baby it's ok. It's ok my babygirl wake up. Wake up honey." The blonde shook the little girl as she still had a hard time waking her. 

"Callie baby it's ok. It's mommy, it's mommy my girl." she pleaded trying once again to wake the scared girl  as Callie's eyes soon popped wide open. But she again had no idea where she was for the surroundings of the  new apartment were still so unfamiliar to her that it threw her off completely and she could feel nothing but fear.

"No, no don't hurt them. Please don't hurt them!" She screamed still crying hysterically as her body continued to thrust around as the blonde grabbed her placing her on her lap. Stef could feel Callie was wet and instantly  knew she had most likely wet the bed from her bad dream as the girls looked to her and the cop gently stroked her cheek.

"It's ok baby. It's ok. See my baby it's just mommy. Mommy is here and it was only a bad dream. It was only a bad dream babygirl. " Carefully she now placed both hands on the little girls cheeks as Callie could now see it was her mother and began to calm down a bit.

"Mommy?" her voice was sweet and barely audible as the blonde could feel Callie's back sweating as well as her face.

"Yes, my sweet baby it's mommy. It's me my baby. You're ok. I'm here. I'm here ok. What happened. Huh what happened my girl?"

"He got you. He got you and mama and Mariana he did."  by this time tears began once again to stream down the young girls face.

"Who baby? Who got us? Huh talk to mommy."

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