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"Mommy no! Please no don't leave! Please! Callie screamed at the top of her lungs as Lena and I dropped both girls off at school. This was becoming an everyday thing and with Lena and I discussing it this morning we knew we needed to take care of it immediately. Callie was literally digging her fingers into me as she had her arms wrapped so tight around my neck there was no way she was letting go. Glancing to Mariana she looked just as worried as Lena and I.

"Callie it's ok. Mommy is just going to work. Sweetheart I will pick you and your sister up when school is out and we will go to the store and pick something up for dinner. Together. You like doing that." Lena said softly.

"No! I don't want to!" she cried again digging her fingers into me.

"Callie school is fun. Remember you always told me. You always told me when I was scared. Remember? Mommy needs to go to work so she can save people that are hurt. If you don't let go she can't save anyone." Mariana said softly as Callie lifted her head up looking to her sister and back at me.

"She's right baby. Mommy has to save people. They count on me. Just like you and your sister and mama count on me for things. Yes?" Gently I wiped her tears as Lena affectionately rubbed her back but I could see she was so heartbroken as was I.

"Can't you pick us up mommy?"

"No love. Mommy will still be at work. But mama is gonna pick you guys up and you're going to go to the store and get some goodies. I need you to go with her so that you can pick out my favorite snacks. Can you do that?"

"Yes." she nodded her head up and down as Lena wiped her tears from her chubby cheeks.

"Ok good. Now I'm going to put you down love. School is waiting for you. Ok?"

"Ok." Carefully I put her down as Lena swooped in giving her a warm hug and kiss.

"Bye mommy"! Mariana smiled widely at me as I keeled down hugging her tightly.

"Goodbye my sweetheart. You be good you hear me?"

"Yes I will. Can you braid my hair later?"

"Of course my girl." I winked as her smiled widened.

"I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart." I said as Callie soon walked over hugging me just as tight.

"You will have a good day sweetie. I promise. Ok?"

"Ok." she nodded as I lifted her face up to look into mine. Her expression was so heartbroken and scared that I just wanted to keep her close to me all day. However, Lena and both knew that wasn't the right thing and we had to get down the bottom of the issue. No matter what or how painful it was proving to be.

"Alright sweethearts. I'll walk you inside. Say bye to mommy."

"Bye mommy!" Mariana yelled waving at me as Callie failed to utter  a word holding onto Lena's other hand.

"Bye my babies."

Watching the three of them walk off into the school Callie continued to look back at me with tears streaming down her face even more. I could only wave and smile at her while my heart was splitting in half.


With Mariana now in the same grade as Callie for both women had decided kindergarten was not challenging enough they decided to push her into first grade  which made it easier for the little girl to watch her older sister. As young as they were they were still old enough to experience fear, worry, anxiety, and pain. They were still old enough to even talk a little bit about it from time to time. Not as much as adults and not in the same manner but enough where they understood each other. From the time they first met Callie had always protected Mariana, she had always sheltered her and she had always comforted her when she cried or refused to speak. It was just the roles they seemed to naturally fall into, however, things had changed in the last week. It was now Mariana who was protecting her sister, comforting her and reassuring her that things would be ok. She too had been worried when Lena had fainted at their birthday party, and she too had been terrified when she had almost died from their fathers abuse. However, she didn't expect anything to happen to their mother again and figured it would be ok especially with Stef around.

As the two sat in art class drawing Mariana happily colored a picture of flowers while Callie had drawn a picture of their family. It had been a few hours since her mother's dropped them off and she was feeling a tiny bit better especially with her younger sister sitting so close. She had been having bad dreams the past week about Lena dying but she had not said anything afraid they would come true.

"MM what color should I use for the petal Cals?" Mariana soon asked.

"Blue. Mommy likes blue." Callie said as her little sister soon looked to her drawing.

"MM good idea. What are you drawing Cal?" she asked peeking over.

"MM. All of us.  See it's me, you, mommy and mama." Callie smiled as her sister smiled wide back.

"It's pretty."

"That's stupid. You can't have two moms." A young boy said who had been sitting next to them coloring his own picture.

"You can so!" Mariana barked back in defense growing angry.

"No you can't! My father said that is wrong! You can only have a dad and a mom."

"No! Its not wrong! And you are dumb! Some families have two dads and some two moms. Not every family has just a mom and dad."

"Ewl you're family is gross!"

"No they aren't you take that back!" Callie said soon chiming in. "Leave our family alone yours is gross!"

"Never! You're a gross family. Ewl!"

With this Mariana soon got up and pushed the boy off the chair as he landed on the floor and Callie stared wide eyed at her sister.

"You take it back!" Mariana yelled as the young boy began to fake whine.

"Ouch! Miss Erickson Mariana pushed me!" he yelled as their teacher ran over.

"What in the world happened?" She said helping the young boy get up as Callie held Mariana's hand tightly.

"He was saying stuff. He said our family is gross because we have two moms." Callie said.

"That is no excuse to push someone onto the floor. Mariana did you push him?"

"Yes. He deserved it. I was defending our family."

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did idiot!" Mariana yelled. "You don't make fun of my family or my sisters picture. Ever or I'll push you again!"

"Enough. We don't tolerate that girls. We don't. And Adam we don't tolerate calling other people's family gross."

"Well they are! My dad said so! They are faggots." he said pointing to both girls and both were more angry then ever.

"No we aren't! You're a piece of shit!" Mariana yelled.

"Enough! All three of you to the Principals office right now. Let's go because this will not be tolerated and I will certainly call your parents!"

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