The Visit

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Happy New Year everyone!


"Ok loves now there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Ok sweethearts?" Stef said as both me and Mariana held onto her hands as she had taken us to the hosptial to see mama. My stomach was hurting bad, really bad and the smell of this place was making it feel worse. The lights were really bright and there were alot of people coughing and sneezing all around us. I didn't want to be here but I wanted to see mommy and I missed her. I missed her really bad and had been dreaming about her. Almost every night since she left. In some of them she didn't talk, in some of them she was sleeping and in some of them she would run to me and hug me. In some of them I would run to her and hug her. Sometimes it was me and my sister hugging her and sometimes my daddy would find us and try to take us. I would cry, I would try to get away. But then the dream would end and I would wake up feeling scared and afraid sometimes trying to crawl in ball. But then I would wake up and forget where I was and open my eyes seeing Stef holding onto me. She would hold me tight and I would hug her tighter hoping she would never let me go. And she didn't.

"Your mama has a few tubes that help her breathe but it's nothing to be afraid of ok loves?" Looking back to her both me and my sister nodded our heads. I knew Mariana was scared too she told me. She told me every night but I didn't want her to know I was afraid too as I held onto Stef's hand even harder. Her hands were always soft and she always rubbed mine which made me feel better. It made Mariana feel better too and we felt safe with her. I knew she wasn't going to hurt us and she had been really nice to both of us and was doing things mama would do with us. She combed our hair, she read to us, she cooked for us, she played with us and she smelled liked mama even Mariana thought so.

"Ready to go loves?" she smiled as the both of us nodded our heads and held onto the pictures we drew for mama and the yellow flower Stef let us pick out.

"Ok babies lets go my loves." Taking our hands she stood up and walked us down the hallway as I looked up to her and she looked down at me winking. I was feeling more afraid and held her hand even tighter. I didn't want her to leave us.


As I held both Callie and Mariana's hands they walked slowly beside as we entered the corridor of the ICU. Being here myself the last few days I knew what Lena looked like and I knew what to expect but I wasn't five or six years old and I just wasn't sure how this was going to affect them. I wasn't sure how any of this was really affecting them and was considering the counseling services the hosptial was offering for them.

As we got to Lena's door I stopped and knelled down to both of them gently grabbing their hands once again. Their faces looked so worried, so panicked and so scared.

"Listen babies there is nothing to be afraid of. Remember your mama's body is healing and she needs the breathing tubes to help her. But it's nothing that is hurting her. OK?"

They both looked to me and nodded their heads.

"Will you stay with us Stef?" Callie asked looking nervous.

"Of course baby. I will stay with you both." I said gently stroking her cheek as I looked to Mariana letting out a smile. Aside for the words she had spoken this morning she had remained silent since. I knew it would take her time and that was ok I understood.

"Come sweets let's go talk to your mama and give her these beautiful drawings and flowers you picked out. Ok?"

Nodding their heads once again I grabbed their hands as the three of us walked into Lena's room. Lena remained in the same position as she had been in the past few days. Her face however was beginning to heal as well as her body. Looking down to the girls as we stood besides Lena's bed they remained quiet and it was hard for me to read their faces. Beginning to think this was a bad idea Callie walked closer gently taking her mothers hand as Mariana remained beside me.

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