An Interview

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As I sat outside the office at Anchor Beach waiting my turn my foot tapped nervously against the floor.  The nerves I felt this morning were definitely returning as I soon heard my phone chime and looking to it a wide smile formed on my face.

Good luck baby. No matter what happens I love you. You will be amazing my love. xo-S

Thank you baby. I needed to hear that. I love you too. -Xo L

Go kick some ass and I'll bang that ass of yours later! :P -S

Shacking my head I could only bust out laughing at this woman.

Stef you are so bad! -L

You love it!-xo S

"Lena Adams?" I soon heard my name as I quickly put my phone away seeing Monte form a wide smile on her face as I got up to shake her hand.

"Yes. Nice seeing you again Principal Porter."

"Oh just Monte. Follow me Lena." She smiled as I walked behind her wondering if the incident we had in her office the other day with the girls would be an issue as we entered her office and she shut the door behind us.

"Please have a seat Lena. And do you have your resume on hand? I'm afraid I just didn't have the time to print it out. Was a bit of a crazy morning."

"Oh yes of course." I smiled widely handing her the resume as she sat across from me studying it. Monte was hard to read and to be honest since enrolling the girls in this school almost two years ago I never had much one on one time with her. Granted I had been occupied by my marriage to ever get really involved with the school but  she struck me as a person that wasn't that open minded or too friendly. Regardless I didn't come here to make friends I was just hoping to get this job and make a difference.

"So I see you have your Doctorate. Very impressive."

"Yes. I aimed to go the highest I could at UCLA. My passion was to always work in education." I said nervously looking around.

"Wonderful. And you taught as an adjunct at a college and 4th grade I see."

"Yes, a few years ago I did."

"How was 4th grade for you?"

"Oh it was amazing. I had a wonderful group of children and it was motivating to see how much they grew each week. Of course it had it's challenges as any job does. It was a much different experience then teaching adults."

"I can imagine. I've never taught myself to be honest." she said looking up at me and smiling.

"Oh. No?"

"No I come from a marketing background to be honest. They hired me to lead the school in a different way then the previous principal."

"I see." I said wondering why she was telling me any of us but it did explain a good amount to me at her lack of compassion and understanding when it came to my girls the other week. She seemed to lack the basic educational skills and foundation we learned our first semester in teaching as well as discipline techniques.

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