You Can Stay With Me

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"She is very critical but stable right now. But she has endured a tremendous amount of blows to the head and torso over a significant amount of time. She has broken ribs, internal bleeding. Also there is significant amount of hearing loss in her left ear. We can determine the ear drum was badly damaged. The burns, a broken arm just. I mean whoever did this wanted her dead." I could only shake my head at what he doctor was telling me as I looked to the two young girls sitting next to each other more afraid then anything as a nurse tried to comfort them. "She will need alot of care and she's just not out of the woods."

"Will she make it?" I asked nervously.

"It's too early to tell. We need to heavily monitor her. Does she have family that can take her girls. She's going to be in here awhile."

Looking to them once again I could only let out a heavy sigh.

"Yeah I will find out."


"Um, doctor would it be possible for me to see her?"

"We are only allowing family right now."

"I understand but if she is conscious even for a bit I need to get a statement out of her. Something."

"Is that necessary right now? She's in and out of consciousness."

"Doctor I understand but the person that did this to her we need to make sure they aren't going anywhere."

Nodding his head in agreement I looked to the two girls who were now coloring and quickly followed him into the Intensive Care Unit. Yes partly I wanted to get a statement but more then anything I wanted to see how Lena was. In all honesty that was my real motive above everything else.

"I'm not sure how much you will get out of her. Like I said she is in and out of consciousness."

"I understand. Thank you."

Walking into the room and hearing an array of monitors beeping she looked so torn, heartbroken and fragile. Her body was so beaten, her face was bruised and burned and I could barely contain my emotions as her head was wrapped in a bandage, her arm tied in a sling and caste. Her body wrapped as it needed to heal and remain still. I didn't understand. I didn't understand how someone could hurt her. How could someone almost kill the mother of their children. How could someone burn her face, ripe her hair out kick her all over. How? How could someone hurt such a beautiful person I didn't get it and probably never would. Gently placing my hand inside hers I wasn't sure what to say and if she could even hear me. I was a stranger for the most part and was well aware she had not one single family member. No one but her daughters.

"Lena, it's Stef. I'm not sure if you can hear me but you're safe now and your girls are safe. No one is going to hurt you again. I promise."

Looking to her swollen eyes they opened a tiny bit as she looked to me more scared then ever and I let out a soft smile.

"My...girls?" she soon spoke her voice barely audible.

"Yes they are ok. They are ok Lena." I said softly again as tears ran down her face and I gently wiped them. "Who did this to you? Was it Kevin?"

Finally she squeezed her eyes tight trying to nod her head.

"Ok." I softly spoke again as she finally confirmed what I already knew.

"Please. Take them. Keep them safe. Please." her voice was dry as I felt her squeeze my hand a tiny bit.

"Lena you will be ok. You will. You are not dying. No way."

"Please Stef. Take them. They..they have no one." Looking to her as tears continued to fall down her face I nodded my head at her for I did not need to think twice of what she was asking of me. She had asked me before I could even offer.

"I will. Gladly. But you promise me to get better. To fight. They don't need me they need their mama. It's you they love, it's you they run to, it's you they admire, you remember that. You here me?"

Nodding her head a bit more she squeezed my hand a little more and I gently wiped the tears that had fallen down her face yet again. Never being one to back away from a promise and being completely terrified at the same time I would take her girls and take care of them the best way I knew how while she continued to get better. I would also make sure Kevin Richards never saw the light of day again.


As I made my way back into the waiting room I saw both Callie and Mariana playing and coloring as a small smile fell across my sad face. In all honestly I felt for them for at such a young age they had seen far to much already and knew to much about fear, anxiety, abuse, rage and panic. It was evident they were terrified of men and had no trust in them whatsoever for I had remembered Callie's reaction to Mike at the school.

Truth was I was terrified to take them home. I had no experience with children and my parenting skills were virtually nonexistent. Not one child had ever set foot in my apartment, I had no toys, no kid friendly movies nothing and I had never even held a baby before. But there was no way I would let them end up in foster care not for one single minute as Callie now noticed me and she ran over.

"Is my mama ok? Can we see her?" Smiling down at her I gently grabbed her hand and took a seat next to Mariana who looked up at me from her coloring book.

"Babies your mama will be ok. She just needs rest and alot of care. The doctors and nurses are going to help her sweethearts."

"When will she be better?"

"Very soon. Very soon honey."I said holding both of her hands as Mariana continued to stare at me with wide eyes her face covered in tears as she held her brown bear. I wanted to so badly wipe them off her face but I knew it might scare her away.

"Where are we going to stay? Will we stay here with mama? Callie soon asked.

"No baby. You can't sleep here. But um you're going to stay with me."

"At your house?"

"Yes love. At my apartment until your mama gets better which will be very soon. Is that ok?"

As Callie eyes remained locked into mine she now glanced over to her sister as I could see their hidden language almost speak volumes.

"We aren't suppose to sleep over anyone's house without asking my mama."

"Oh well I understand that for sure. But she asked me to watch you."

"How do I know your not lying."

"Well,that is good question. But I promise you baby I am not lying. You're mama wants to keep you somewhere safe and where she knows someone will take care of you while she is getting better. And I promise to do that. If you will let me."

Her eyes were so intense as I could see she was trying so hard to read me. Once again glanced to Mariana who had not taken her eyes off me.

"You wont let daddy hurt us or mama?" Callie asked.

"I promise. I will not let him lay a hand on you or your mama ever."

"And we can see mama. You will let us?"

"Oh baby as soon as the doctors tell me that you can see her I will take you. I promise my love."

As she continued to stare into my eyes almost as if she was making the biggest choice of her life she glanced to Mariana once again who nodded her head and Callie turned back to look at me.

"Ok." she said as I let out a soft smile.

"Ok. Then how about we get out of here and go home. Are you babies hungry?"

"A little."

"Ok let's get some food loves." Getting up I held Callie's hand gently as Mariana without any hesitation this time placed her hand in mine once again as she looked up at me and I let out a wink.

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