I Just Want To Help

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Warning this chapter contains violence and contains a Stef/Mike scene.


Ok what story do you guys want tonight?" I asked looking at the bookshelf in my daughter's bedroom.

"MM Goodnight Moon!" they yelled in unison.

"Again?" I smiled for they picked this book almost every night.


"Ok loves, Ok." Grabbing it off the shelf and walking over I carefully laid my back against the headboard of Callie's bed. Mariana snuggled closely next to me as I ignored the pain my arm as Callie snuggled on the other arm.

"I love you mama." Mariana soon whispered as I gently kissed the top of her soft head.

"Aww I love you too honey. I love you both very much."

"I love you too mommy." Callie said smiling up at me.

"I love you too baby."

"Ok let's start. Goodnight room, goodnight moon." I soon began.

"Mama?" Callie interrupted.

"Yes honey?"

"How come you don't like Stef?"

"What honey? Who said I don't like her?" I asked as she looked confused at me.

"MM you were yelling at her and you looked really mad. Was it because I gave her a hug and a picture?"

Letting out a sigh my expression soon changed to sadness for I had not realized Callie heard me or had really seen my reaction. I wasn't a mean person by any means and I wasn't usually an angry person or one to be rude. To be honest I honestly wasn't sure why I was so angry at that cop. Maybe I didn't understand her kindness but I just couldn't let her get that close to me or my kids for if someone were to really find out what was going on much less a cop I just wouldn't know what to do. Bad enough Callie adored her.

"Sweetie no. That was very sweet of you to give her a picture and a hug. Very sweet of you and I would never be mad at you for that. Ever."

"Then why were you yelling at her mama?" Her eyes continued to grow wider as she tired to read my thoughts. Lying to Callie was difficult for she had a good sense of it. A very good sense.

"I wasn't sweetheart. I was upset that I was so late picking you guys up and I was frustrated with myself. But I should not have taken it out on her. You are right."

"MM maybe she is worried bout your arm mama. Police help people."

"I know sweetie but my arm is ok honey. It is. I just fell in the tub this afternoon." Softly I kissed her forehead as I had no idea if she believed my words or not. "Ok lets finish this story so you guys can get some rest. Ok?"


Holding them both I continued the story seeing Kevin pace back and forth in front of the door. I knew he had probably heard the conversation no matter how much I had tried to whisper which I was dreading for just the word police was enough to set him off and that was last thing I needed again tonight.

Not realizing I had dozed off in my daughter's room I woke up to them still snuggled next to me and the sun shinning in my eyes. Glancing to Callie's bug clock I saw it was almost 7am and I knew I was already late cooking Kevin's breakfast and getting the girls ready. Nudging them to wake up they did willfully as I carefully exited the room and walked into a eerily quiet hall. Bracing myself for what may come I headed into the kitchen seeing him at the table reading the paper calmly with a plate of food in front of him. This could go either of two ways and I never knew which.

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