Family Moon

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"Wow this is so cool mama's!" The girls said as they ran into the suite Stef and I booked for the four of us. It really was amazing with a balcony, view of the pool, downtown San Diego and the beach. You could see the long bike path that wrapped around the island as well as the fire pit where we planned to toast marshmallows together at night.  Even at such a young age the girls seem to like it and were so excited to our relief.  

"Mama's look at our room! Come look!" They yelled as Stef smiled wide at me and we walked to their section of the suite holding hands. Yes they were right it was pretty cool for their part was completely kid friendly. Towels were placed on their beds in the shapes of animals, kid shampoos that smelled like bubble gum and fruit sat on the dresser along with gummy snacks and cookies. The walls were decorated in a kids ocean theme along with the bedspreads that were light blue with ocean wave prints. The lamp placed in between their twin beds when turned on showed ocean fish on the walls that danced around calmly. The room was everything we could ever ask for as the both of us smiled wide seeing their excitement as they danced around happily.

"It is huh babies?" Stef smiled as she scooped Mariana up in her arms heading out to the balcony as Callie quickly followed behind holding her hand tight. I could only smile myself watching her with the both of them as she looked down to Callie gently stroking her long curls and our little girl looked up into her eyes smiling just as wide wrapping her arms around her mommy's waist. Stef and I were both so grateful Callie's anxiety seemed to diminish during the last few weeks and we were pretty sure it had to do with me working at the school, getting married and the adoption getting closer. What I learned myself about her was pretty ironic for Callie seemed to exhibit similar fears as Stef for they were both terrified that this family and I would get taken away from them. However, they now clearly saw that would never be the case no matter what. 

Leaving the three alone to share a moment together I walked  to our side of the room which was much more adult like with a fluffy feather bed, a tiny kitchen, stocked bar, and the balcony that had a kid friendly lock on it. The room reminded me a tiny bit of the one we had at the Four Seasons but we both knew there would be no love making this time around. But it was no secret to either of us that we had been making love and fucking like bunnies since we said, I do and that had been fine by me. It seemed we just couldn't get enough of each other and wanted to constantly be wrapped up in each other not letting up for a second. Tonight I'd miss sleeping naked beside her feeling her bare nipples pressed against my back and her hands wrapped around my waist. 

Unpacking a few of our belongings including the itinerary I planned for the next two days I peeked inside my bag seeing the beautifully wrapped bracelets we brought along with us for the girls. Each containing two cards one from me and one from Stef we had also written a poem for them explaining just how much they meant to us. Even if they were six and seven we still felt they were old enough to truly understand the significance and with time would understand it even more. Tucking them back deep into my bag Stef and I weren't honestly sure if we would give them the bracelets during the trip or before the adoption hearing but decided to bring them along just in case.

"Baby come look it's an amazing view sweetheart!" Stef suddenly yelled from the balcony.

"Yeah baby come look!" Callie joked as the both of us busted out laughing and I walked out seeing just how amazing it really was.

"Wow you weren't kidding. Can we move here?" 

"Definitely my love. Anything you wish." Stef smiled warmly.

"I'm going to live where those palm trees are mama's!" Mariana pointed happily as I felt Callie grab my hand. Looking down I smiled at her as she did the same and I pick her up in my arms so she could get a better view. Wrapping her arms around my neck she snuggled into me and squeezed me tight as I gently kissed her forehead.

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