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"You got it love? " Stef asked as we walked together slowly down the hallway of her apartment complex. She held my arm gently but firmly as my other hand was balanced with my cane. In my mind it was really a relief to be out of the hosptial and rehab and back with society. I will still need a good amount of rest but I was looking forward to being outside and spending time with my girls and Stef.  From the time she picked me up the level of care and sincerity she continued to show me was beyond anything I was use to. Yes, of course she had shown it in the hospital and at the rehab center but she continued to more then ever. It was also no secrete how much I loved being in her presence but that wasn't something I wanted to tell her for it might come out the wrong way.  My feelings were something I continued to hide and I wondered how they were going to grow the longer I stayed around her. 

"I think yes. Thanks." I said as she continued to hold my hand smiling warmly at me as we had made it to her apartment door.

"Ok, how about we get you inside on the couch and I'll bring your things inside?"

Nodding my head she unlocked the door now holding it open for me.

"Beautiful ladies first." she said as the smile remained on my face. Walking in I instantly could see how amazing it was and beautiful. It felt just like her and the girls for I could see a few of their toys and books neatly on the table and sofa. 

"Sorry it's not exactly decorated yet. I didn't get a chance to unpack everything."

"Stef it's beautiful." Turning around to face her a smile remained on her beautiful face. "Don't even worry and please leave me some to unpack as well. I, I just love it. Honest."

"Thanks. Let's get you settled." Carefully she gently took my hand again assisting me to the couch as it felt so warm and comfortable.

"So I'm going to put your things in the bedroom and get you settled in there."

"Stef, no. I will sleep out here or with the girls. I don't want you giving up your room again. You have already done so much."

"Lena, you need a proper bed and you need the space. I barely need any room. Please it is fine and I told you I love helping."

I let out a sigh as she took a seat next to me. She was stubborn for sure and very persistent and usually I lost these debates. But I would try.

"Stef you have sacrificed so much for all of us and I haven't even had a chance to pay you back. You moved into a larger apartment for me, you took care of the girls you basically changed your life for us."

"Lena pay me back by getting better. Ok love? Please."

"Well as soon as I am better I am getting a job."

"Ok we will talk about it when the time comes. Until then the bedroom is yours." She smiled as I did as well shaking my head.

"You are one persistent woman."

"So they say." She winked squeezing my thigh as I could only shake my head again.

"Well, let me get your bags and some lunch and then I'll pick up the girls. Did you want to take a shower or bath?"

"Um yeah maybe. I still feel like I have the rehab smell on me." I joked. "But you do what you need. I am fine to take one alone."

"I don't know. I'd rather you not. I still have some time before I need to get them. I don't mind helping. I mean I did install a bar in there for you but I wouldn't feel right leaving you alone to do that Lena."

I swallowed hard as my stomach nervously began to turn as I continued to look deep into her eyes. It was difficult to realize I still needed so much help. I did trust Stef but I was self conscious about her seeing me naked. My body still had bruises and no one besides Kevin had ever seen me with no clothes on. Seeing she must have picked up on my fear she gently grabbed my hand. 

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