Chapter 3: Reunited

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"Yoichi... That- that's his house?!" I gave Yoichi an incredulous look.

"Y-yeah, it is. He's the p-prince of Krul." He answered casually.

"I... I thought that regular sized home over there was his? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS BEFORE WE LEFT OUR DORM?!"

I ain't going in there. A poor kid like me? He'll probably laugh at me and make fun of me... Fuck this.

"That 'regular sized home' is his guest house. H-he's nice to me and I'm not royalty. Trust me Y-Yuu, he's a nice guy."

"Yoichi— look at me. I'm wearing an old black jacket and black jeans with rips in them. They aren't even a pair of those trendy, purposely ripped jeans. I got these rips from falling off of my five dollar piece of crap skateboard because I couldn't even afford a skateboard more expensive than that!" I growled angrily.

I hated rich people so much. They are all so damn lazy and they just sit on their asses all day and order their servants around like peasants. They are snobby, rude and selfish and tell everyone how awful their life is when others are working so hard just to buy a sandwich so they don't starve to death! I hate how rich people treat the unfortunate like trash. Rich people make me sick.

Before I could interpret what was going on, I found myself on the ground. Yoichi had tackled me into a hug.

"I-I don't think you look bad!" Yoichi blushed ferociously.

I heard a husky male voice from behind us. "Well, well, well. What's going on here? I heard some yelling so I thought I would check it out. Turns out it's just you and your boyfriend awkwardly embracing..." The voice sent shivers down my spine and I tensed up.

"H-he's not my b-b-boyfriend!" Yoichi stuttered, embarrassed.

I stayed silent. I was too scared to look at Yoichi's friend standing behind me. I didn't want to see the disrespectful look on his face when he saw my low classed attire and messy hair. Thank god Yoichi was on top of me, hiding me from those rich, judgmental eyes. If only I ran off sooner...

I lifted Yoichi off of me quickly and stood him up. "Sorry Yoichi, I can't do this." I gave him an apologetic look before sprinting to who knows where. We took the bus here. It doesn't come till about another thirty minutes. How am I going to get home...

"Yuu! P-please come back! I promise It'll be okay!" Yoichi shouted to me.

"Wait!! What's his name?!" I heard Yoichi's friend yell loudly.

Why did he ask for my name to be repeated? His tone sounded so shocked... So utterly... hopeful. I turned my back to watch the two. Yoichi answered his friend back. I assumed he repeated my name to answer his friends question.

Yoichi's friend had on a white set of clothes that sparkled in the already darkened evening sky. He looked to have ravishing, curly blonde hair; Though, I wasn't quite sure as I couldn't see well in the darkness. His cape whipped through the windy air like he was some kind of superhero. I thought he looked like a glistening angel with his white attire— such a contrast to the dark sky. He looked so intensely beautiful.

I groaned. Why am I so fucking gay?

I kept on staring at him until he turned his head in my direction. He caught sight of my gaze on him and started walking towards me.

What do I do? What do I do? I panicked as he got closer and closer to me. I know! Run. And that's what I did. Looking back at him I realize he's running after me. Fuck. Why is he running after me?

I drooled as I watched his cape fly in the wind as he chased after me. So fucking sexy... Yes daddy, chase me. I didn't realize I had slowed down until he was only a few meters from me.

Run faster Yuu! I told myself as I ran as fast as my legs could take me... Shit, he's almost got me. I looked behind me to see his long legs striding towards me. Why are his legs so long? I would love to see those pale, attractive legs without any pants hiding them... Wait what am I thinking? Shut up Yuu! Yuu fucking pervert!

And just like that, he had caught up to me and I was tackled to the ground once again. "Yuu-chan!" He yelled my name and let out a perky giggle.

"Yes— who the fuck are you?" I made eye contact with the boy for the first time. He had the most azure, ultramarine eyes... Like glistening sapphires. And not to mention, the silkiest cream colored hair. His flawless skin reminded me of a porcelain dolls; There wasn't a blemish to be found on his angelic face. I looked back into those whimsical orbs. God familiar whimsical orbs... This isn't the first time I've made eye contact with him, I realized.

"M-Mika?" I whispered breathlessly.

"Yes, Yuichiro. It's me, Mikaela." He smiled widely and let out the happiest laugh I've ever heard.

"Mika!" I shouted and hugged the taller boy back, gripping onto him tightly; Afraid that I'd lose him again. Mikaela hugged back even tighter.

"Yuu. My sweet Yuu-chan. I'm so happy to see you." Mikaela whispered into my ear as he buried his head in the crook of my neck. His hot breath sent shivers down my spine.

"I've missed you so much, Mika. So fucking much." I let a tear roll down my cheek.

"Awe, Yuu-chan~! I have too. And I've been trying to locate you for awhile. You know someone burned your adoption papers?" Mikaela caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"I burnt my adoption papers, Mika. They don't matter anymore, I'm emancipated now. I didn't want Crowley finding me."

"Crowley is after you?" Mikaela sat up.

"Hey... Guys. I'm s-sorry to interrupt but what's going on here?" Yoichi asked with a frown on his face.

I noticed the sadness clouding over Yoichi's eyes as he looked at Mikaela like he was trying to tell him something. I sat up and looked to Mika. He was staring guiltily at the ground and was playing nervously with his hands.

Why are they acting so strange?

(1075 Words) Updated: Wednesday January 4th, 2017


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