✺SEQUEL: Part (VIII) [m]

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SEQUEL: Chapter 8:
My Dominant Yuu-chan 😋


    At the sound of Mikaela's voice, Yuichiro whipped his head around to stare into Mikaela's eyes with an evil grin. "Looks like your boyfriend isn't genuine."

He walked over to Mikaela's rigid frame, Yuichiro being two inches taller because of his platform, combat boots. "Awe, are you sad?" Yuichiro tilted his head as his palm rested onto Mikaela's cheek. "Poor, poor Mika."

   Mikaela glared into Yuichiro's gleaming, red orbs, trying his best not to let a single tear drip from his glassy eyes. He wasn't sure what was worse; His own boyfriend flirting with Yuichiro, or Yuu-chan flirting with his boyfriend.

   He knew now that this was Augustus' first love. This was the boy that Augustus would do anything for. It was Yuichiro; Mikaela's first love also. The raven haired boy had charmed the both of them without even trying.

    Yuichiro's eyes shone with sadism and satisfaction as he watched streams of tears drip down Mikaela's porcelain cheeks. He licked his lips before humming in a low voice, "You look cute when you cry. You know that?"

    Mikaela's heart was leaping out from his chest as even more tears fell from his eyes. He was shocked and yet, he felt a familiar wave of love flutter within his body at Yuichiro's words. He had missed this feeling so much.

    The raven watched as Mikaela bit down onto his lips as Yuichiro's fingertips brushed through Mikaela's locks. He put his mouth beside the blonde's ear and whispered, "Don't worry, baby. I may have been Augustus' first love, but do you know who mine was? It was you. I would choose you over Augustus any day."

    Yuichiro laughed as he made his way over to Augutus, grabbed a fistful of his shirt, and smashed his lips to his; Right in front of Mikaela. After a few moments, he released and turned to Mikaela. "See? I felt nothing when I kissed him. It felt like I was kissing my own brother."

    Augustus grinned, "Even though you just practically rejected me, I am honoured that your lips just touched mine." His arm wrapped around Yuichiro's chest before shoving the latter against him. "Dominant Yuichiro is hot."

    A sigh left the Raven's lips as he stumbled out of Augustus' arm. "You still don't have a shot with me, Gus. I told you when we were younger and I still feel the same."

    Yuichiro's demeanour was full of menace and darkness as he strutted up to Augustus, being only inches away from the latter. "You know why I still feel the same about you?"

Yuichiro skimmed his finger down Augustus' chest before purring, "You just used the love of my life to get to me. You broke his heart, and I can't forgive you for that."

Mikaela's eyes widened as he watched Yuichiro make his way towards him. For every second that the raven stepped closer, the blonde felt his whole body flush even more.

Although, he was left openmouthed and confused as Yuichiro kept walking until he was at a desk that was behind Mikaela.

   The raven opened a drawer that was in the desk and pulled out a pair of keys. He spun it around his index finger as he made his way over to a prison cell.

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