✺SEQUEL: Part (X)

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SEQUEL: Chapter 10:
Triple Date 🐬

"Tay? What are you doing here?" Yuichiro rubbed his aching head and stared up at the teenage boy on top of him who started to cry.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to tell the officers that you raped me! They bribed my mother one million dollars for me to say that you did, and since we're poor, she said she would kill me and disguise it as a suicide if I didn't comply! I didn't want to die, you know?!"

Everyone was staring at them. This wasn't exactly the right place to be saying these kind of things. The crowd around them and the terms used will give Yuichiro a bad name...

Yuichiro rubbed at the younger's back, realizing that Tay needed to be comforted. He could tell that the kid seriously had issues, it reminded him of himself when he was a teenager. Tay just wanted to be loved, and his mother seemed like a really fucked up person. She's even homophobic.

"It's okay." Yuichiro hushed before glancing up at a bewildered Mikaela Tepes. The raven glared at the older, warning him through his eyes that if he tried anything, there would be consequences. He knew Mikaela was jealous, but that wasn't his priority at the moment as he sat up with Tay clung to him like a koala.

As the boy cried in his chest, Yuichiro noticed Augustus' sincere gaze on the teenage boy. He had an idea as he lifted Tay off of the floor and handed him to Augustus as if he was a special teddy bear.

"Augustus is very close to me. He took care of me when I was a bit younger than you were. I'm sure you'll like him." Yuichiro hummed sweetly to Tay as Augustus took him from Yuichiro's hands and held onto the sixteen year old like he was a precious seashell that could break at any moment.

Tay was so cute, and he deserved as much love and attention that he needed. Augustus could tell that the boy was broken. He would fix him the best that he could. His nose gently pressed against Tay's and as Tay smiled back, Augustus was amazed. It struck him right in the heart like a lightning bolt.


Mikaela's arms were crossed, chin held up high, as his eyes sank into deep, blue orbs of sadness. Then, he spoke, "Who was that boy?"

Yuichiro had no reason to lie to Mikaela. It was better if the truth just came out. "His name is Tay. He is sixteen years old. He was cute and I was lonely, I saved him from a thief, and he sucked my dick."

Mikaela's heart clenched. Every time Yuichiro was with someone else, it hurt him. He knew that they weren't together when it had happened, so it was fine.

But, it still agonized him because he wanted his Yuu-chan all to himself. There was no reason that he should get angry at Yuichiro even though Mikaela still felt intensely mad, his blue eyes flaring red in proof. "Thank you for your honesty."

Yuichiro strutted up to Mikaela and slammed a hand next to the latter's head, his face leaning closer towards Mikaela's "Of course. You deserve the truth." He fondly rubbed his cheek on the older's shoulder, sniffing at the soapy scent of his lover's long, blonde hair.

Mikaela clutched onto him, his hands wrapped around Yuichiro's body as he cuddled the boy, his heart racing at their closeness. The butterflies in his stomach were raging and it felt so good to be this close to his Yuu-chan. "Sometimes you remind me of a puppy or a kitten." He chortled at the Raven.

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