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❤️ Reunited Love ❤️

Chess Belle gazed lovingly at her appearance, her fingers running through her vibrant, purple locks of hair. She had gotten her nails done, they were a sparkly purple that faded into a rosy pink. She was in love with her appearance.

"Horn dear, are you coming?" She giggled as she walked out of the bathroom to see the blonde woman having a serious conversation with Crowley.

As the two adults saw Chess Belle at the end of the hallway, they both tensed up. The purple-haired put a hand to her hip as she twirled her hair with her fingertip. "What is it? Why so serious?"

Crowley walked closer to her, his eyes full of a wary emotion. His large hands landed onto both of her shoulders. "Yuichiro died. As a full vampire."

Chess' body got rigid as she just stared back at Crowley with confusion clear on her face. "Since when was he complete? Isn't he a Damphir?"

Crowley shook his head. "No. Mikaela Tepes; the son of Queen Krul, turned him. Apparently, wrath made Yuichiro turn."

"How long ago did he die? And how did you find this out?" Chess found herself wanting to ask a million questions as her heart pounded against her chest. Her precious grandson was a full vampire, which changed everything because he was no longer a misfit to their family name. But, now he was dead?

"I saw Mikaela Tepes today. He was outside on a bridge, contemplating wether or not to stab himself in the chest with a silver sword. He was talking to himself, saying things like 'I love you, Yuu-chan', and 'I wish you didn't die three weeks ago, it agonizes me, I miss you so much.'"

A knowing smirk climbed onto Chess' face as she licked her lips. "But Yuichiro is a full vampire. He is my grandson. He isn't dead." She laughed. "You gave him some of my blood, right? I asked you to put it into everybody's bloodstream with the last name Eusford."

"Yes. It was supposed to turn him into a full vampire at first, but it failed. Although... Since he is now complete, it should still function."

Chess smiled at Crowley. "Great then." She turned to look at Horn and linked their arms together. "It's time you properly met my grandson."


Yuichiro woke up extremely confused. He was laying in a bed with white sheets and felt as if he's been sleeping for years.

"He's awake." A voice erupted from the darkness. And before Yuichiro, stood Crowley, Horn and Chess in all of their glory. He found himself questioning if he really was awake or if this was another dream. "Aren't you guys supposed to be dead?"

"Yes indeed we are." Chess cackled as she ran her hand through Yuichiro's hair causing the latter to flinch. "And you also died. Exactly one month ago. When there was word about vampire's existence, war broke out. Let's just say, an assassin popped out of nowhere and you got stabbed by a silver sword. Do you remember?"

Yuichiro started to tremble violently as the memory lingered in his mind. The last he remembered before he died was the sight of horror on Mikaela's face. "Where's Mikaela? I need to see him!" He stood up, only for Horn to push him back onto the bed.

"I'm surprised that you haven't asked yet how you're even alive in the first place." Horn laughed before starting to explain, "Chess has a special type of blood. You have some of it in your bloodstream. She got this special blood by making a contract with a demon. This blood is special because you are forever immortal no matter the consequence. Although, there are two side effects. One, is that when you die, you are gone for a month before you wake up again. And two, the only way to officially die is to get your soul eaten by a demon."

"So... You're telling me that I'm forever immortal? That's some black magic shit right there." He scratched at his head. "Um, can I go see Mika now? Where is he?"

Crowley stared at Yuichiro for a bit before replying, "Last time I saw him he was contemplating suicide. Who knows, maybe he's dead by now."

A new voice joined the conversation. Someone was leaning against the door, but Yuichiro couldn't see them because the room was too dark. "Aww, Crowley honey~ That's so mean of you to say to a man in love. I can assure you, Yuichiro, that Mikaela is alive although not well."

Yuichiro recognized that voice immediately. It was Ferid Bathory. "Ferid!!" He screamed. "Please take me to him. I miss him, he needs me."

Ferid smiled. "Of course that is why I am here." He then looked over to Crowley, "Are you three going to come along? Maybe reunite with Anastasia? And you, Horn. Don't you want to see Melissa and Mitsuba?"

They agreed to come along.


"Mikaelaaaa~ I have a surprise for you!" Ferid smirked as he knocked onto Mikaela's door, Yuichiro hiding behind the white-haired male.

"Leave me alone!" Mikaela screamed as loud as he could, clutching onto the painting Yuu-chan gave him a long time ago as he choked on his own sobs.

When Yuichiro heard how much pain Mikaela was in, his heart clenched as though he was feeling the same agony that Mika was.

"Trust me Mikaela. You're going to want to open this door. This surprise is beyond what you think." Ferid snickered as he kicked the door open. "Are you ready?"

Mikaela sniffled and threw his tv remote at Ferid, "JUST GO—"

Mikaela's sentence was cut short as Ferid pushed somebody into him, who automatically hugged onto Mikaela. "What—" The blond was confused but when he saw the person's face, his eyes grew wide and tears began to stream down his face. "I-Is that really y-you? Y-Y-Yuu-chan?!"

"Yes. I love you, Mika!" Yuichiro started sobbing as the two boy's clutched onto each other, never ever planning on letting go. "I'm sorry that I died!"

Ferid almost got tears in his eyes at the sight of the two sappy marshmallow fluffs reuniting once again. Although, this was his job as a hardcore Mikayuu shipper.

And once again,
Their love was reunited.

(1056 Words) Updated: Saturday, February 10th, 2018

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(1056 Words)
Updated: Saturday, February 10th, 2018.

A/N: OOF, I couldn't end it with a death, it hurt too much. This was part of the plot anyway 😉 I HOPE YOU LIKED IT💕

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