Chapter 22: Confession

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"Do you miss him?" Kimizuki asked me, taking a strand of my brunette hair and twirling it. He was sat on the other end of my bed, his legs crossed while facing me.

I looked to the empty side of my dorm. The side that had once belonged to Yuu. Now the walls were bare, nothing but a mattress laying there, making my heart ache in loss.

"Of course I do." I hung my head down. I hope it doesn't make Kimizuki sad that I'm still hung up over another boy.

"Are you even over him?" Kimizuki bit his lip. His eyes said it all. I had hurt him with my words. He was in love with me while I had feelings for someone else. How bitter that must feel for him.

His pink eyes were storming in sadness. He had asked me the question but I can tell he was dreading for my answer. He didn't want me to answer it in fear of a broken heart.

"Yuichiro will always be in my heart." I rubbed my chest. "But Mikaela had marked Yuu as his own. There is no hope of Yuichiro and I being together. Mikaela is a vampire, I couldn't even consider the fact of myself opposing against him for Yuichiro's love as the mere human I am." I sighed, a tear dripped down my face; A symbol of my depression.

Yes, Kimizuki and I know about Vampires. After what we saw at the wedding, him and I connected the dots. Shinoa asked If we wanted to join the Moon Demon Company. Kimizuki said yes and is now in training to kill vampires. I chose not to join because I'm not strong enough to kill vampires.

"And with the fact that Mikaela had put Guren in the hospital because he had sex with Yuichiro. I know they did. I saw Guren and Yuu leave the wedding ceremony together and Yuichiro had hickeys on his neck the next day. Why else would Mikaela try to kill Guren? Mikaela would kill me out of possessiveness for Yuu, even if I am his best friend. Mika told me his love for his Yuu-chan had no limits. He's so insanely in love with Yuichiro, that he would stop at nothing to make sure he was his; and only his. Those were his words, and he was strictly sincere."

I grabbed Kimizuki's hand, blushing ferociously as I gave it a little kiss, barely touching my lips to the top of his hand. "But I'm ready to move on. To let you in Kimizuki. I-I-"

My eyes unconnected from Kimizuki's gaze out of anxiousness. "I love you."

Kimizuki leant in closer, palming my cheek with his large, pale hand. "Yoichi if you love Yuichiro that much, you have to at least try. I know rejection is hard, trust me on that. And as much as it agonizes me to say this, you have to at least confess to Yuichiro. That is your only chance, and it's possible that it can blossom into something special. You don't know how that boy feels about you back, but at least try this once, even if your chances are slim to none, to confess your love to him before giving up completely."

"I can't do that. I have terrible anxiety. I can barely make eye contact with Yuichiro without my heart feeling like it would blast into pieces. And even if Yuu did have mutual feelings for me, Mikaela would kill me." My tears fell freely down my flustered cheeks.

"I would never let that happen, Yoichi. I'll always be here for you. To protect you and care for you whenever you need it. Besides, I'm a vampire slayer. I have combat skills. I am capable of protecting you. And if the day ever comes where you do fall in love with me, genuinely, I'll be here to welcome you with open arms." He smiled sadly.

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