Chapter 33: Haruki [m]

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A/N: Happy birthday Lavandulalilium I hope you have a great day! 💕💕


"Y-you guys-" Shinoa pointed to Mikaela and I. "A-are getting married?!" Her facial expression looked troubled as she stared at her toes, letting her lilac hair cover her face. The whole gang gawked at us with opened mouths.

"Yes. Is that a problem?" I tilted my head to the side while grasping Mikaela's warm hand.

Yoichi jumped onto me, attacking me with his arms. After a few seconds he let go and gave me a wide grin. "I am so happy for you guys. Sure, I'm a little bit sad since I still really like you, but Mikaela makes you feel so happy. It's really beautiful to see. I'm happy for you two!" Yoichi smiled as he also attacked Mikaela into a hug.

Kimizuki slapped my back. "So whose the bride?" He laughed. "I bet it's Yuu!"

Mikaela's face went serious. "Oh yes. It definitely will be Yuu-chan. He will always be my princess." My face flustered up four hundred degrees celsius.

I looked to Shinoa who still looked down at her feet with a frown. "Hey Shinoa? Are you alright?" I walked up to her, tilting her chin upwards. A gasp left my lips as I saw her crying. "...Shinoa?"

"Yuu." Shinoa desperately wiped at her tears. "I'm sorry I'm just so happy for you guys."

"You don't look happy. You look sad." I took a strand of her hair and put it behind her ear. "I'm your best friend. You can tell me why you feel sad."

I could feel Mikaela glaring daggers at me out of jealousy, but I didn't really care and tried my best to ignore it. My best friend is crying and my number one priority at the moment was to help her. Mikaela could suck it up and should be able to stop being jealous for at least a minute, anyway.

"Because, I love you." She rested her forehead against mine. "But it's okay. You don't have to say anything. I know you love Mikaela very much."

Mikaela came up to us and shoved Shinoa off of me. "Yes, Shinoa! He's mine. Know your place."

"Mika, calm down babe." I stroked his hair and put my lips next to his ear. "Don't worry. My love for you is beyond anything." I grinned, stepping towards Shinoa.

"I don't know what to say. I'm marrying Mika because I love him and want to be with him forever. But, Shinoa; I love you very much also, even if it's only in a best friend kind've way. Don't ever think otherwise and remember that." I gave her a tender kiss on her forehead.

Shinoa stopped crying and looked up to me. "Thank you."

Mitsuba started walking up to us. "Well, unlike Shinoa, I am very proud of you two!" She tousled my hair. "Congratulations!" She smiled.

I gave Mitsuba a weird look. How is she okay with this? She is obsessed with Mikaela and I'm about to marry him. Why was she acting like this? She looks so genuinely happy for us... But I know she isn't. What was she planning now?


(Also some gore.)

The hand that was firmly gripped onto my thigh, squeezed hard causing me to accidentally release seductive moans. "P-please stop." I stuttered.

But he didn't listen to me as he undressed me until I was completely vulnerable and exposed. His tongue slid against my thick thighs, trailing a wet path all the way to my member. I was quivering as his warm hands stroked along my cold, naked skin.

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