✺SEQUEL: Part (II)

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A/N: Since I got 7K reads as of yesterday night, I thought you lovely people deserved an update ☺️💖.

His Name Was Augustus🕯


Their wedding was held outside on a stage. Everything was olive green and white themed. I sat down onto a plastic chair that was extremely uncomfortable as I tried to adjust my posture and failed at that attempt to.

My face twisted into an distasteful scowl as I scanned how cliché the whole set-up was. Sure, I was proud of Kimizuki and Yoichi getting married; But that didn't mean that I particularly liked weddings.

In fact— I hated them and you should know why. Sure, my wedding was fun at first until Mikaela fucked another woman in front of my face the next day. Wether he had reasons to or not, that's still pretty fucked up. My stomach churned as the memory of my wedding day drowned my brain.

I feel like I am going to throw up. I just wanted to go home, lay on a comfortable couch that doesn't give me back problems and forget about what happened at my own wedding.

But, no. That was not going to happen. I had to suck it up and be there for my two friends. They deserved at least that. Plus, I heard that they really missed me dearly. I just wanted to make them happy.

An interesting sight piked my curiosity as I stared at a girl that had yellow hair and a girl that had purple. Even though the two girls were too far away for me to recognize them, I assumed that it was Shinoa and Mitsuba. They were holding hands as they made their way to a pair of other plastic chairs.

Now, they were close enough for me to recognize them and I took that as a chance to glare holes into their backs. I hated Mitsuba. I hated her with all of my being, with absolute hatred. It was such an embarrassment that she saw me butt naked and tied into bondage as she smirked at me like the devil and fucked my husband in front of me. I had also lost my pride since that day...

Mikaela and I are not divorced. I ran away after what he did to me, and went on a murdering rampage in Europe. Meaning that, as a vampire, I drained the blood out of just over two hundred humans. I should probably feel bad or guilty about it, but I felt nothing. I'm not sure how the New's took it, I wasn't in Europe anymore. I think they told all of Europe that a wild animal escaped from the Zoo, but I wasn't really sure.

My heart felt like a void that would never be whole again. It's like feeling like a sack of skin your whole life. You feel empty, sad, lonely and you're aware that you will always feel that way. It's such an awful feeling that I hope most people don't ever have to deal with.

I knew my humanity was gone. So why am I even at Kimizuki's and Yoichi's wedding in the first place? Why did I even care? Did I still have some humanity in me? I think I did.

"Hey." I heard a voice from behind me as Asuramaru made his way into the chair next to mine. "These chairs are fucking uncomfortable." He groaned as he flipped his hair out of his face.

"Touché." I sighed. "I swear that they are going to give me back problems." I laughed as I adjusted my blazer. When Asura didn't answer me for a bit, I looked to see him with widened eyes. He was eating some kind of pink coloured ice-cream as the spoon fell right from his hand.

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