Chapter 23: She's My Cousin

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Yoichi had confessed his love to me.

Like what the hell- I did not expect that at all. The problem was I had no idea how I felt back. Not one clue.

I had to think this out, so I did what I usually did when I had to make decisions and process my thoughts.

Relax in nature.

School had ended twenty minutes ago, so I headed to a miniature forest a little ways away. There were tall evergreen trees reaching up towards the sky. There were also the most gorgeous blooming wild roses, which you don't find that often in an overpopulated city. The roses reeked of their scent that smelled of sweetness and relaxation.

This forest was out in the open, but not many people ever took notice to it. However, I found this place and due to my obsession with nature, I really started to enjoy it here. My fat ass was sitting on a bench as I started to do my thinking.

So what problems do I have in my life right now? Lets see.

1. My grandfather, Crowley, Is probably going to kill me sooner or later because of the fact I'm only HALF vampire.

2. My family are all vampires.

3. Im a freaking human and vampire hybrid.

4. I can turn into a vampire if I get really, really mad.

5. Yoichi confessed his undying love for me. I have no idea how I feel back.

6. Mikaela is going motherfucking yandere. Hes literally insane.

My life is sooooooooo great.

Yoichi is literally the most adorable boy I've ever met. I love caring for him and being there for him. He's always so sweet and helpful too.

But, I did not feel the same way about him as I did Mika. Yoichi did not make my heart race. He did not give me butterflies. And I could only imagine being fluffy with him, kissing his cheek and forehead in a motherly way. I cannot imagine being with Yoichi in an intimate way. It made me realize that I loved Yoichi in a motherly type of way. Which now that I think about it, sounds weird as fuck.

I have to reject him...

I got distracted from my thoughts as I saw a girl with yellow hair that was blowing in the wind. Her purple eyes staring at me like I was a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of her shoe.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the great Mitsuba!" I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here, filthy bitch?" I gave her a disgusted look.

"I followed you here to make you accept the fact that Mikaela is MINE." She stomped over to me.

I stood up, towering over her short frame. "Sweetie, he doesn't even like you." I snickered, flicking her forehead. "You're such a petty, little girl. You think Mikaela would like a short girl like you? You're as tall as a toddler. You even look like a toddler with your pigtails holding your nasty ass yellow hair. Girl, your hair ain't even blonde. Plus, get it through your obsessive little brain of yours that MIKA IS OBVIOUSLY GAY. He's not into whiny brats that have tits and vaginas." I can tell she felt extremely angry after my little rant.

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