Chapter 19: Yuu's Mother

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"Mikaela, how do you make your skin so flawless? Your complexion is like- glowing." Asumi wrapped her hands around my arm, rubbing it lightly.

"Asumi, Isn't Mikaela gay for that reckless, emo kid? I don't think your flirting will phase him." A girl with brown french braids folded her lips into a straight line. Asumi's pink hair bounced as she whipped her head behind her to glare at her brunette friend.

"I don't care, Sakura. Mikaela's not marrying that bitchy Mitsuba anymore so I'm going go make my moves." Asumi gritted her teeth in annoyance.

Asumi and Sakura were my friends. I mean, not really. They were more considered my 'fangirls' but that makes me sound cocky to say that. They annoyed me most of the time. My heart clenched as I thought back to the wedding. When Yuichiro wasn't present when I confessed my love for him.

Yuichiro won't even reciprocate eye contact with me after I saw his eyes turn crimson. And by that I mean, his irises turned the colour of blood. The same fucking colour a vampires would turn if they were hungry or highly agitated. And I cant really process that.

Yuichiro couldn't of been a vampire?

I don't know why he keeps rejecting me and getting angry at me. I seriously think he doesn't even like me anymore. Not in a lover way, probably not even in a friendly way. He hates me. He ignores me. Im in love with him and he doesn't even care. What can I do about it? I feel useless.

I don't want to live my life if Yuu-chan isn't apart of it. I would dread my whole existence in the first place if it wasn't for Yuu-chan. I love him beyond anything. He's so beautiful. His reckless anger problems. His laughter that is so full of joy. The way his eyes widen and practically glow when he's excited.

I love how strong he's grown after all these years.

Its a fear picturing you out of my life, Yuu-chan, because you're always on my mind and never leave it, ever. All those great memories are now shattered. It kills me to think about how much you used to love me, because you don't give a shit about me anymore. You treat me like I'm a ghost.

I have an addiction to you. I frequently crave of your affection. And I will never let us grow apart. Ever.

I don't care how much you hate me Yuu-chan. Because I'd rather be hated by you when I'm with you than be a lost memory to you. A soul you once knew, but don't anymore.

"Sorry Asumi. I have always been in love with Yuu-chan and I always will be." I shrugged my arm out of her grip.

"I told you Asumi!" Sakura giggled, turning her head to me. "Mikaela, doesn't Yuichiro like... Hate your guts?" She gave me an innocent gaze.

"He cant hate me... Can he?" I whispered in fear.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he doesn't like you like that Mikaela. He's been getting super close to Shinoa." Asumi barked back, twirling her pink hair.

Loud laughter was then heard down the hallway. My head followed the noise, witnessing Yuichiro giving Shinoa a piggy back ride.

"Speaking of the two... Here they come." Sakura looked at me in pity.

Shinoa tried to move her legs from Yuichiro's hips up to his shoulders causing Yuichiro to lose his balance and crash into a student; their papers flying everywhere. He quickly grabbed Shinoa in a secure grip in mid air, him falling to the ground while Shinoa was cushioned by him.

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