✺SEQUEL: Part (I)

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A/N: This is my sequel to my MikaYuu story 'Reunited Love' I originally made a completely new book for this, But I decided that I would make this sequel inside of Book (I) instead because it feels more organized to me this way.

Withering Away🥀


*One year and 11 months later*

Daisies. They had pure, white petals which were the colour of innocence. The centre of a daisy was yellow coloured; Which reminded me of the sun. I've always seemed to like daises because they reminded me of youth. The days you would spend as a child; Happy, carefree and innocent without a problem in the world as the sun shone down on you like you were somehow special.

I've never gotten the chance to experience a good childhood since I had an abusive grandfather and was given to a set of cold-hearted fake parents. That is why daisies have always been special to me; They seemed to replace my dreadful childhood with the happiness and innocence you should feel as a child.

I sat in my chair as I stared at the bouquet of daisies in front of me. They were in a fancy vase, but they were wilting away. The innocent pedals had fallen and the stem seemed to have turned to a lifeless colour. In a way, it had represented how I felt inside. Excluding the fact that I was literally already dead being a full vampire.

My innocence; My happiness was dead along with myself. I am no longer a child being that I was 18 years old and technically considered an adult. The wilting daisies reminded me that my youth was gone and that I was all grown up. My heart stung just thinking about it.

There was only one person that knew what my favourite kind of flowers were. Mikaela. He was the one who had given me these. It had become a tradition for him to come to the place I lived on the first day of every month.

My girlfriend pitied Mikaela and told me it would be okay if I left her and went back to him. She could tell that Mikaela really loved me. He came every month to apologize to me which was really sweet. She made me keep the daisies Mikaela had brought to me four weeks ago.

I understood why he had done it; Why he had cheated on me with Mitsuba right in front of my face. He wanted to be with me for eternity with nobody in our way. I wanted that also, in a way. But there was one small detail that he forgot about; I was damaged. I was absolutely fucked up in my mind, body and soul. It was because of all the abuse and trauma's I've been through.

Getting abused and experimented on, my grandfather used to force me to drink immense amounts of blood which had tasted rancid. My second pair of parents thought that I was a demon. They had burned down my whole orphanage and half of my family that I ever really loved.

Seeing them burn alive, incoherent screams ringing in my ears, had scarred me for life. My next set of foster parents were even worse. I'd get beaten everyday and was ordered around like a slave. They would starve me and lock me up in my room. Hell, I even got kidnapped and sexually assaulted by Haruki and almost raped. My life was a miserable one.

All I could think is, why? Why is it me that has to go through all of this? It isn't fair! It isn't fucking fair!

How Mikaela had purposely planned cheating in front of my face... It hurts me, so much. His reason was being because he wanted me to become a complete vampire like he was to be together for eternity. He planned it without my consent, he forced it upon me.

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