Chapter 9: Yuu's Sexuality

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Then, I came up with a great idea.

"Hey guys." I spoke up loud and clear. They all deserted their conversations and paid their attention to me.

"What?" Mitsuba asked while attentively gazing at me.

"We should play a game." A smug smile plastered onto my face.

"What kind of game?" Kimizuki asked.

"How about Truth or Dare!" Shinoa added.

It's like she read my mind. That was the game I was about to say. I could ask Kimizuki to dare Yuichiro to have seven minutes of heaven with me. That way, Mitsuba can't get mad at me because it was apart of a game, and I had to cooperate. I laughed evilly.

"Yeah, let's do it!" Yuu-chan straightened up with a mischievous grin.

So cute~!

"Well... We don't want to play it in the middle of Starbucks..." Mitsuba said awkwardly.

"We can go to Yuu's and I's dorm! It's close to the campus. If that's okay with you?" Yoichi directed his question to Yuichiro.

"Yeah, it's fine. If you guys don't mind my side of the dorm being a mess." He laughed. Yuu-chan was always a messy kid. Unlike me, who is clean as hell. We are like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly. He would make the messes, I would clean them.

We all headed to Yoichi's and Yuichiro's dorm. Me being excited was an understatement. I was ecstatic to go. I would be able to see all of Yuu-chan's things and smell his pillows and stuff... Ya'know? I sighed internally.

I'm such a pervert.

Then, I caught up to Kimizuki who was walking beside Yoichi.

"Hey Kimizuki, can I ask you a question?" He looked at me, nodding his head.

I leaned in to whisper into Kimizuki's ear. "When we play Truth or Dare, can you dare Yuu-chan to have seven minutes in heaven with me?"

"What? B-but? Mitsuba?" He asked, surprised.

"I never liked Mitsuba." I said, hastily.

He looked at me, shocked. Then, he whispered back. "Okay, but you have to agree to do this for me."

"Do what?" I questioned.

"Dare Yoichi to have seven minutes in heaven with me, also." Kimizuki smirked while glancing at Yoichi.

"Okay." Anything to have a moment with my Yuu-chan. Then, we shook hands.

We made it to the entrance and Yoichi unlocked the door, letting us in. I saw Yoichi's side of the dorm, which was pretty basic. I've been here before, to hang out with Yoichi, so I was used to his dorm. He had a stack of books on his nightstand and that was pretty much it.

I was excited to see the occupied space that now belonged to Yuichiro. My eyes automatically gazed to the other side of the room. Yuu-chan's bed was disheveled, blankets and fluffy pillows thrown everywhere. It looks so comfy.

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