Chapter 24: I Love You

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I sighed in frustration. I was currently on my way to school, nervously rehearsing what I would tell Yoichi. I was planning on rejecting him but how the fuck do you break the news gently to someone?

'Hey Yoichi, I don't like you like that.' Like damn was it ever hard to do. Especially to one of your good friends who you never want to hurt. But how do you even avoid hurting someones feelings when you're planning to reject them? Im gonna be filled with guilt after I do it.

I heard footsteps behind me, and abruptly looked over my shoulder. Nothing was there. What was going on? I turned my head to face forward when my eyes met a pair of red ones.

I let out a scream, only for it to be muffled by a dirty smelling rag. My heart was pounding out of my chest as specks of black blurred my vision and I was knocked unconscious.



I am so fucking pathetic. Here I am, laying in bed, loathing in my own self pity. I cant even help it that I get over obsessive and clingy with Yuu-chan because I loved him so, so, so much.

It broke my heart when he tore apart the daises I spent an hour picking for him. I thought he'd love them. I didn't know what else to do sept bring him his favourite flowers and beg for his forgiveness.

It didn't work, and now here I am, bawling so hard to the point my lungs are on fire and are begging for oxygen. I couldn't even get the strength to get up from bed this morning and go to school.

Its quite sad, but I have not one care about my own wellbeing. I only care about him. All I think about is Yuu-chan. He never gets out of my head, its like he's apart of me. I know we belong together forever, I know for sure that my feelings for him are beyond love. But it seems, that he doesn't feel the same way.

He ripped my heart out of my chest and tore it into pieces, proceeding to stomp on it until it was completely damaged. Thats how I felt.

I stared down at my pale wrist, filled with red crimson slits that I recently dragged a blade across.

Worthless, worthless, worthless. I chanted, continuing to drag the blade once again over my skin, tearing it apart, blood oozing out of the recently cut wound.

I can't even make Yuu-chan happy, that was the one thing I wanted him to feel around me. Yet, I made him angry with me instead.

The slits on my wrist could've healed back up since I was a vampire, but I was dehydrated. I needed to drink blood to heal my wrist, but Yuu-chan told me that I was a monster. I didn't want to be a monster, so I stopped drinking blood.

My cell phone rang, and I was planning on ignoring it until I realized it might be Yuu-chan calling me.

"Hello?" I eagerly said into the phone after pressing the 'talk' button.

"Mikaela? Is Yuichiro at your mansion?" It was Anastasia's voice.

"Um, no, why?" I looked around my room, getting worried.

"The school called and told me he was absent." She paused for a moment. "FUCK!" I heard something being thrown on the other line of the phone.

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