Chapter 5: The Girl

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My heart was beating rapidly and I felt myself about to panic as I paced around Yoichi's and I's dorm. What an awesome start to my first day of school. Yoichi and I woke up late since we had came home from Mikaela's house so late. Now I can't seem to find the stupid school uniform I had picked up yesterday when I transferred to this school.

"Yoichi!" I yelled in panic.

"You need to hurry up, Yuu. We are going to be late." Yoichi told me calmly as he was sitting on his bed waiting patiently for me.

"I can't find my school uniform!" I groaned. Why am I so unorganized? I quickly went through a pile of clothes by my bed. Yes, I just moved into the dorm yesterday and already trashed my side of the dorm with my clothes and manga everywhere.

"Is this it?" Yoichi asked me, lifting up a set of clothes to show me.

"Yes!" I ran up to him and retrieved my already wrinkled uniform.

"Hey Yoichi, where'd you find it?" I asked him curiously while shamelessly taking off my shirt to change into my uniform.

He seemed to be flustered and immediately looked down to his hands that were resting in his lap. "O-oh, I-I-I just f-found it under y-your bed." He whispered.

"Okay..." I sent him a weird look even though he wasn't looking at me. I slipped on the pair of slacks and looked back up at Yoichi. "I'm ready!"

The route from our dorms to the campus was a good eight minute walk. The bell had rung when we were halfway there and Yoichi started running so he wouldn't be late. He tried to drag me with him so I wasn't late on my first day but I didn't let him. I wanted to take my time and explore the campus.

When I almost reached the school entrance, I came across a statue whose figure was of a really young girl that had long hair up to her calves. I went up to the statue reading the golden plate that was displayed at the bottom of the statue. It had read 'Queen Krul Tepes'. I hadn't known that Krul was named after the current Queen. Plus, why did the Queen look like a preteen girl? In almost every movie I watch, the queens always look old and wrinkly...

I remember Yoichi's words in my head, 'He's the prince of Krul'. So wait... Mikaela was adopted and raised by a preteen girl? How the fuck did a preteen girl raise a teenager? Why is someone that young, the queen? Why did she adopt someone that was older than her? Wait... What if they're dating!!

I had all these questions swirling in my mind without an answer. I would have to ask Yoichi or Mikaela later. Five minutes late, I walked into the entrance of the fancy high school and headed to the office. The same secretary from yesterday with the bright orange hair greeted me behind her desk. She automatically recognized me from yesterday and handed me my schedule as well as a booklet of papers about school rules and things like that.

"You have locker #420 your combination will be in the box." She told me as she handed me my lock.


"Wait- before you leave I will call one of our students to show you around the school." The secretary said picking up the phone beside her, calling a student down to the office to help me with my first day. I sat down on one of the cushioned chairs and played with my fingers. It was a habit of mine whenever I felt bored. People often questioned me about it.

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