Chapter 34: Marriage

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*Three months later*
(November 1st, 2017)

I stared at the fluffy white mess that was hung up in front of me. "Hey, Anastasia? Why is there a wedding dress in front of me?" I tilted my head as I stared at the thick, long dress that had emerald accents.

"It's your wedding dress, silly! Krul requested I give it to you. She said that Mikaela would love it a lot if you wore it." Anastasia smiled.

"I'm not going to wear a dress! I'm a guy!" I ran my hand through my hair. "Besides, I have my black tuxedo over there." I pointed behind me.

"Yuichiro, no! Common, be more interesting and take a risk! Cross dress for your mommy and wear that wedding dress, I beg of you!" She gave me puppy eyes. "You are Mikaela's princess, therefore you need to look the part also!"

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. "But how do I put it on?" The dress was full of ruffles and the fabric looked like it would tear very easily. I picked it up hesitantly.

"That's why I'm here, sweetie! I'm here to make my son look gorgeous for his Prince!" Anastasia giggled. "Now, take off your clothes!"

"Ew! But you're my mom!"

"Exactly. Stop being so immature, I'm not asking you to be completely naked. I just need to help you put it on. Besides, I saw you naked all the time as a little baby!"

"Fine." I stripped down to my boxers. Anastasia wrapped the dress around my body before tying the corset. I groaned as she pulled tightly at the corset stitching. "Mom! You're suffocating me!" She pulled it even tighter.

"Sorry honey, but formal dresses are very uncomfortable. You just have to suck it up. Beauty is pain."

I looked at myself in the mirror. The dress was strapless, and hugged at my thin waist and curves. The corset really accentuated my body, I looked hot. "Hot damn." I checked myself out.

"Okay, now let me do your hair. I am going to curl it a bit more, and behind your ears so we could see those beautiful earrings of yours. Also, say goodbye to your sideburns!" Anastasia whipped out a razor.



I had a little bit of makeup on my face. Anastasia put a little bit of BB cream to smooth out my face, making my skin look porcelain. She also put a bit of pencil eyeliner to make my eyes pop more.

My eyebrows were still thick but were tweezed perfectly. I stared at myself in the mirror and saw both male and female characteristics. I looked amazing. My emerald earrings glowed as my black hair fell behind my ears in waves. My bangs slightly dipping over one eye. FUCK, I look like a model!

"And now! For the veil!" Anastasia put it over my head, it had a tiara connected to it. I looked like a princess; Exactly what Mikaela wanted me to look on our special day.

"Holy fuck, you look so beautiful~!" Anastasia clapped her hands and squealed.

"I miss Mikaela. I haven't seen him in four hours." I frowned.

"Oh shush. You will see him in half an hour."


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