Chapter 12: Money & Power

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Yuichiro laid Yoichi gently onto the bed in the guest room. He then throws a quilt over Yoichis body, tucking Yoichi into it like a Taco.

"Sweet dreams you little taco." Yuichiro chortled as he kissed the brunettes hair softly.

"YUU-CHAN WHAT THE FUCK-" Mikaela retorted with an agitated tone. Mikaela felt upset because HIS Yuu-chan was kissing someone ELSE. Even if it was only a peck to Yoichi's head... He was cut off when Yuu put a finger to his lips, "Hush, little Mika." He smirked. "Yoichi is sleeping."

Rage and possessiveness flooded through Mikaela's veins as he pulled on Yuu's arm dragging him into his room. But a certain annoying freak with a long silver ponytail had to interrupt them in the middle of the hallway.

"Hello Mikaela, and whose this!?" The elegant man exclaimed. A slow, smug smile was tugging at his lips showing off his shining, white pearls as he glared at Mikaela with a knowing look. Yuichiro looked up at Mikaela with a frightened expression on his face, but also a hint of curiosity.

Mikalea's heart started to beat fast in worry. If Krul sees him flirting with someone other then Mitsuba- He's fucked. He didn't even know who this silver haired man was, he just knew that he was close to Krul and that he always seems to be around this palace. Mikaela had no clue if he could trust the male to keep this secret to himself and to not snitch to Krul. But- If he had asked the man to shut up about seeing him and Yuu practically flirting with each other, it would blow his whole cover.

If the male was perhaps not trustworthy, and I had asked him not to tell Krul anything he's saw, then he would have the evidence to believe I liked Yuu-chan more then a friend. I made the decision to just play innocent and to persuade him that I only liked Yuu-chan to a friendship extent.

"Who the fuck even are you?" Mika questioned honestly. He's seen the guy around many times but he really never had a full out conversation with him. Hell- he didn't even know what his name was.

"Oh dear, Mikaela. You can't use such foul words in this house! And I thought you'd know by now?" The male snickered as he watched the confused look upon Mikaela's face in amusement.

"Know what?" Mikaela asked in a boring tone trying to mask the confused look on his face. He quirked his eyebrow in a suspicious gaze to try to look natural even though he felt beads of sweat forming onto his moist nape.

He had assumed that this man was not a good person- by his words and his sadistic looking expressions. Mikaela had felt slightly panicked at what he was about to say. He knew it wasn't going to be good; His brain was screaming it.

He wanted nothing more but to hold Yuu's soft, hardworking hands to tame his anticipation. But he knew he couldn't with the silver haired male's unmoving, beady, red eyes on them.

"Why; I'm your soon to be Stepfather. I'm Ferid." Ferid had a devilish smirk and his eyes were glinting with mischief. Mikaela didn't like it.

Even though he felt the weight of fear drop in his stomach, his expression stayed blank. It stayed the same bored expression. "I honestly don't really care." He rolled his eyes. "Let's go Yuu-chan." Mikaela started to walk again but Ferid had stopped them in their tracks as he stood in front of them, a powerful haze surrounding him.

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