✺SEQUEL: Part (IV) [m]

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A/N: This is a filler chapter that is based on Shinoa & Mitsuba's relationship. I will also warn you that there is also some girl X girl smut in this. There is no Mika or Yuu in this chapter. It's literally just Mitsuba X Shinoa (Mitsunoa) Although, reading it will definitely clear up some of the drama and help this story make more sense.

SEQUEL: Chapter 4:
The Girl That Was Covered In Mud 🏃🏼‍♀️


I remembered the day like it was yesterday, but, we were both in our last year of junior high school at the time. The field behind our school was full of patches of dirt, just because our football and soccer team always played rough. I enjoyed watching the football team very much. With all the sweaty, hot guys tackling each other to the ground... Yes.

The rain was pouring down as the guys continued to play football. As stated by the football coach, and probably many other coaches around the world, "The game must go on." And they stood by that statement. Although, as the Football game continued, it wasn't the hot, sweaty athletes that I was watching.

My eyes were set on a girl, who was running laps around them, absolutely covered from head to toe in mud; just like the football players were. The difference between her and them, was that she was running laps while the males were playing football. Curious and confused as to why she was running laps, I picked up my umbrella and walked down the steps of the bleachers.

"Hey." I said as I stopped walking and stood a meter away from the mud-covered girl. I tilted my umbrella to the side as I watched her huff and puff, attempting to regain a steady breath. "I am Shinoa." I introduced myself. The girl tossed her muddy, dark, blonde hair over her shoulder. She crossed her arms and started to glare at me. "What do you want?!" She yelled.

I chuckled lightly at her. No wonder she was pissed, it was pouring rain, the ground was very slippery and she needed a good bath right about now. I couldn't blame her. She was definitely not running laps voluntarily in this kind of condition. "I was wondering why you were running laps?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes whilst telling me, "And why should I tell you?" A sigh left my lips as those words came out of her mouth. She was stubborn, and I had to crack the truth out of her. I had to get her into a vulnerable point.

So, I walked closer to her, careful not to get too close so I wouldn't get any mud on me. My thumb wiped at the mud on her chin as I smiled at her. "Because I think a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be getting herself all dirty and tired in this weather condition. Aren't you cold? You're only wearing a T-shirt." I shared my umbrella with her.

The taller girl gawked at me in shock as a scarlet colour blossomed onto her pudgy cheeks. "W-what?" She tensed up as she stared up at the umbrella that was sheltering her from the rain.

"Well? Aren't you going to answer me?" I asked as I continued to smile at her. "Or should I remove this umbrella and make you get drenched and cold once again?"

She shook her head really fast, not wanting me to remove the umbrella. "I'll tell you." She stared down at the globs of mud that was all over her purple running shoes. "I've been wanting to join the football team, but the coach keeps telling me that I can't because I'm a girl." She entangled her hands and started to play with her fingers. "Coach told me that he might give me a chance if I ran fifteen laps..."

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