Chapter 31: Lacus & René [m]

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I stared at the textbook which seemed to hold ten-fucking-trillion words which I DID NOT feel like reading. I put my head into my hands and groaned. "Mika! I don't want to read this fucking bullshit! Let's do something fun~!" I winked, hinting the dirty.

Ever since the first day Mika and I had sex, I've been a sex-crazed freak. But I don't even blame myself. It felt like heaven... The feeling of a naked Mikaela all over my own sweating, hot body... Mmmm. One day, I want to be the dominant one and show him what I could do.

When I pleasure myself, my fantasies are hella wild and I wanted to make them come to life... Hehe. Let's just say, I got some interesting tricks up my sleeve.

Mikaela made his way over to me. He grabbed my face into his hands and started to kiss me. He broke the kiss after a minute. "You don't even realize how much I love seeing a vulnerable Yuu-chan."

He sat back into his seat. "But, we have to study. You already got through most of your finals, anyway. Tomorrow is our last one. Then, summer break." He smirked. "You're in for a real interesting two months."

"I bet." I pulled off my shirt in a teasingly slow way. "Hohoho! It's so fucking hot in here, Pffttt." I fanned my naked torso with my textbook whilst grinning at Mika.

"Yuu-chan... Stop seducing me." Mikaela was completely focussed on me, not ever breaking eye contact. I crawled on top of the table towards Mika and sat into his lap. I pushed my finger to his lips and pressed my naked upper body against his clothed one.

"Yuu-chan wants pleasure. Fuck me, Mika. Please, daddy." I purred licking down his neck. A large grin made its way onto my face when I felt that Mikaela was as hard as wood.

When I touched his bulge that was sticking out through his jeans, Mika let out a loud moan that sent shivers down my spine. He quickly recoiled and lifted me off of his lap, bridal style, putting me back into my chair. "Your future is more important." Mikaela scolded me. "But if you're a good boy and study for another forty five minutes, I will have sex with you. Okay?"

I pouted. "Fine." I stared at his boner, giggling. "But— what about that?"

Mikaela looked down at his crotch that was poking through his white jeans. "Fuck." He muttered. "Can you give me like... Six minutes? Yeah?! Okay, Thanks! Bye!" He ran into the bathroom. I laughed loudly at him, he was about to jack off.

When Mikaela came back he was flustered and red and I smirked at him. "Don't even think about it, Yuu-chan." He rolled his eyes. "Now, let's study."


"Common, Mika! Walk faster!" I yelled at him as I ran to his bedroom. I was extremely excited to have sex with him after studying for FORTY FIVE minutes. Ugh.

Mikaela laughed. "Someone's desperate for daddy's dick. Neeee~! So cute!"

I already had my shirt off and started to unbuckle my belt as I opened the door to his room. As I saw what was happening in his room, I screamed. "WHAT THE HELL!"

Mikaela came running next to me and face palmed. "I TOLD YOU GUYS TO STAY OUT OF MY ROOM! GET. THE. FUCK. OUT!" Mikaela roared, walking towards the two naked males, shoving them off of his bed.

"Geez Mikaela, take a chill pill mister anger issues." A purple haired man got up. He was completely naked and didn't seem to care one bit. I wasn't really bothered by it. "Ohhh! Whose this?" He turned to the black haired male behind him. "René... No way! You invited someone to have a threesome with us!" The purple haired one ran up to me. "What's your name, cutie?"

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