✺SEQUEL: Part (VI) [m]

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SEQUEL: Chapter 6:
A Virgin's Blood 💉


A gentle hum sounded into my thoughts, mixed into my dreams. It was some kind of song, one you would imagine to hear if a demon possessed a carousel. It was unnerving and made my gut shake with a sort of anxiousness and fear. Who was singing that sickening song? My head was throbbing and I found my eyes opening.

Augustus' beautiful face came into view as he stopped his humming. "Hello, my Mikaela. How was your nap?" His hand roughly stroked against my cheek. My eyes widened as I felt his fingernails dig into the side of my neck, drawing the heat of blood.

I immediately slapped his hand away as my insides boiled. Why did Augustus always want to play rough with me and hurt me? Was he born a sadist, or was it because of something that might've happened in his past? Our eyes stared at each other's for awhile. I felt more comfortable staring at his brown coloured eye because it was more calming. When I stared into his aqua-blue eye, all I saw was rage, sadism, insanity and death.

Augustus told me he had only been in love once. He was fourteen, when his heart filled with joy for the first time. He had never described whom the person was; all I knew was that it was a boy. A boy that he would do anything for even to this day. I didn't know who they were, or where they were at the moment. All I knew was that Augustus would leave me in less than a second just to help them when in need.

It made me feel unloved. But it didn't really matter. Our relationship was just about having each other's company so we weren't both lonely. That's probably why I always stared at the painting of Yuu-chan and I. Because what we used to feel for each other was real love. Actually, beyond love. It was everlastingness, boundary-less, genuine. It was infinite commitment filled to the brim with burning fire.

I was aware of the fact that Yuu-chan definitely understands how insane he truly is on the inside. I knew that myself being just as delusional as he was, made him feel better about himself. We were perfect for each other. I just wanted to break Yuu-chan until he could finally expose to me, his yandere side. The possessive child he used to be when we were together as youngling lovers. I would accept him whole-heartedly.

He never ever did realize why his ex-parents burnt down our orphanage. It was because they really did think Yuu-chan was the devil.

The first time Yuu-chan murdered, was when he was five-years-old with a ragged, old, pair of scissors. He wasn't allowed to rip the heads off of the dolls that were in the miniature, play-house in his Kindergarten class. This caused him to be angry, and he ended up murdering his Kindergarten teacher.

He often told me about all of these stories when we were in our preteens. Yuu-chan couldn't remember anything but the sight of his teacher coughing out blood. He only remembered the moment after the pair of scissors had sliced through his teacher's throat; the deafening screams from his fellow young classmates. He was mentally fucked up in the head.

I felt a poke to my side and Augustus bit onto my shoulder playfully. "Why did you blank out for so long?" He giggled as he threw the blankets off of us. "It's so boring when you're quiet! Let's have some fun instead~"

If Yuu-chan hadn't ever crossed paths with me, I would have expected Yuu-chan to have turned into a way worse sadist than Augustus was. Augustus was very similar to the way Yuu-chan acted as a child. The only difference was that Yuu-chan was younger, and therefore— more innocent. Their similarities often made me cringe.

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