Chapter 35: ENDING! [m]

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(November 1st 2017)

I threw my head back as I felt the gentle pads of his fingertips stroke up my thigh at a stimulating slow pace. My hand reached to the collar of his shirt as I scrunched the cotton material in my hand. "Take your shirt off." I let go of him for a second so he could take it off.

My hands squeezed at his pale hips as I set him down onto the bed. I played around with his nipples, wetting them with my tongue and massaging and pulling at them. The buds got bright pink after awhile and Mikaela purred at me as he rubbed my hair. I stripped out of my shirt, so both of our torso's were naked.

I started to grind into him as my tongue worked magic onto his neck. Kissing, biting, sucking, I performed a whole freaking operation of satisfaction onto his delicate skin. His whole upper body would be full of love bites when I finished. My lips touched his as my whole body sparked with energy.

"Mikaela. I really can't express this with only my words. But I have to tell you. I am so in love with you to the point I feel crazy without your presence. My body craves for your warmness and for your touch. My lips hold an infinite amount of passion to connect to yours. I want you to be mine forever and I want you to know that I am completely yours and yours only, my love. Same for you. You are mine and only mine. My love for you will never die... I love you that much." I smiled the most sincere, honest smile in the whole world as my eyes crinkled in delight.

Mikaela was panting underneath me, his eyes were wide and so full of affection and admiration. He was utterly shocked. His eyes glossed up as he started to cry. "Oh my god Yuu-chan. I love you so much also! You make me feel so happy inside. You are so warm and cuddly and I never want to leave your side! You struck me in the heart when I first met you when we were young. I was forever yours since that day and I longed for you to be forever mine. I am in love with you to the extent it isn't even humanely possible, Yuu-chan! I am so utterly blessed to call you my wife!"

Our tongues attacked each others as passion surged through us like exploding fireworks. My body tingled from head to toe, my stomach was being violated with butterflies. I've never felt so connected to somebody in my life. Mikaela and I; We were meant to be together forever. We were finally tied together with marriage and it made me feel so relieved and purely happy.

We both threw off our pants and stripped to completely butt naked. I squealed as I felt a slap to my ass. Mikaela smirked. "Your beautiful heart-shaped butt will be mine forever. I am so honoured."

"I am going to fuck you this time, Mika." I flipped him over and pulled at his hair. He moaned as his pale hips jutted towards my direction. "I know you are the one that likes to be dominant, and I'll give you that role. But just this time, let me give you pleasure, Mika. Let me give you the chance to feel me inside of you."

"Y-Yuu-chan!" Mikaela turned around and stared at me with shock.

I pulled out the tube of lubricant from Mikaela's drawer and slathered it onto my dick. Mikaela's personality may be dominant and his dick may be huge; But mine was pretty similar in size. Might as well put it to good use, right?

"I am entering, my love." I put my dick into Mika, gently, and it slipped right in. The lubricate did it's job perfectly as I started to pull in and out. Mikaela's warmness started to wrap tightly around me and I let out a loud moan.

"Mikaela, your insides are squeezing me. It feels so good~!" I commented as Mikaela panted heavily and let out blissful moans. His body was very pink and flustered from underneath me. "Thats good, Yuu-chan! I love making you feel good!" Mikaela purred as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

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