Chapter 29: Revenge & Krul

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I woke up to see my beautiful, naked boy snuggled up to me. A smile settled onto my face. He was like my adorable, little puppy and I was like his master. A small yawn sounded from his pink lips. He moaned and shoved his face into his pillow, continuing to sleep.

I had woken up ten minutes ago and pulled on a pair of shorts before going back to cuddle with Yuu-chan. I admired his nude body and his soft face.

He was so precious to me.

Yuu-chan suddenly flinched with wide eyes. He pointed to the pistol laying on the nighstand. "Why is that thing still here?!" He yelled.

I giggled. "It wasn't even loaded." I tapped my fingers onto the side of the bed. "I'd never put my Yuu-chan at risk."

He blushed and gazed at me. "Mika... What the hell was that last night?!" He pointed at me angrily. "Y-you couldn't even give me a warning that you were into that... S-stuff?!" He whipped me with a pillow, making me laugh.

"I did though. Remember our bet? That I'd make you scream 'daddy' all night?" I gave him a teasing smirk.

"Whatever! Why do you even have a gun in the first place?!" He yelled at me.

I just grinned at him before cuddling next to him once again.

"Hey! Stop that, I'm naked! Let me put on some cloth-" I kissed him.

"Yuu-chan? You know the promise ring I gave you?"

"Yes." He looked down to his finger that was presently wearing the ring. "Why?"

"Can I... Borrow it? I promise I'll give it back." I pleaded.

"...Okay." He handed the ring to me.



I was in my Chemistry class which I only shared with Yoichi. He seemed kind of down lately and even though I was an oblivious idiot; I knew it was because I rejected him.

I hoped alls well with him and Kimizuki. Yoichi may have loved me, but I could tell he was really fond of the pink haired man. Which was good, because I know how much Kimizuki loves Yoichi. Yoichi deserved to have someone who could care for him like Kimizuki.

I looked to my left finger which was now bare. I wondered why Mikaela had taken it away; The promise ring.

Maybe he changed his mind and didn't want to be with me forever. I knew he loved me very much... But who knows if he'd be with me till death bring us apart? The thought made me feel sick and made my chest ache so I stopped thinking about it.

Yeah. I face palmed. Stupid Yuichiro, always overthinking things. Mikaela promised he'd give it back to me. Of course he wanted to be with me forever. We loved each other beyond anything.

I just— I felt so lost without the ring on my finger. It was only a ring, but It made me feel secure because it was always on my finger to remind me that Mikaela was mine and I was his forever. I almost felt like I needed it back. Also, on the plus side, It was very winsome and when I was wearing it; I felt more confident.

The speakers in the room beeped before a person talked. "Yuichiro Amane Eusford, please come to the office immediately."

I looked to Yoichi, giving him a freightened look which he returned.

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