Chapter 30: Pornstar

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A/N: Yo wassap my dudez, just wanted to let you know that this book will be completed after a few more chapters. Plz don't be upset. Thank you all for supporting me, I love you


I squeezed my eyes shut. I've been repeating curse words in my mind for awhile now. Exactly twenty three minutes ago, I realized that the founder of Krul Academy, is of course the one and only Queen Krul. So, she must have been alerted that I, Yuichiro Amane Eusford, has had sexual relations with one of the teachers.

The problem you ask?

QUEEN KRUL IS MIKAELA'S ADOPTIVE MOTHER. Which will probably make her severely hate my guts. Especially since she knows Mikaela is in love with me since he confessed publicly at Mitsuba's and his wedding.

It's so embarrassing that Queen Krul has to know about it. And the location that Guren and I did it? Well, it was inside of QUEEN KRUL'S PALACE of course. There couldn't have been a better place to do it with a teacher.

Why would Krul want a stupid kid like me to be Mikaela's boyfriend? Im motherfucking screwed. How could I be such an idiot! I groaned loudly to myself, pulling my hair in the process.

I am so ashamed.

"Yuichiro? Oh! My precious baby!" Anastasia ran down the hallway, heading my way. "Geez Louise, why do humans take dumb shit so seriously? Like you had sex with a teacher, so what? Goddamn, It's just sex. I swear that humans are more crazy than us vampires..."

I went up and hugged Anastasia. My brain was panicking and I was sweating profusely because of how anxious and embarrassed I felt. I literally wanted to crawl into a hole and die, not kidding. "K-Krul is going to hate me..." I sobbed. "And... She's Mika's mother. She's never going to l-let me see Mika again!"

Anastasia stared at me with wide eyes. "Jesus, why are you crying? Krul is a vampire too, she probably won't even give a fuck. She has the same views about sex as the rest of us." She patted my shoulder reassuringly.

At that moment, I heard loud laughing coming from inside of the office. Anastasia and I entered the office to see Queen Krul laughing really hard at something on the computer. I just stood there, dumfounded and intensely confused. Mikaela was standing a few metres away from her. Both of them didn't take notice to Anastasia and I.

Krul pointed to the computer, still holding her stomach and giggling. "My question is, who the fuck took their time of day to record this? Some pervert!?" She slapped her thigh. "Mikaela! Come look at this bullshit!"

Mika rolled his eyes before standing beside Krul. His eyes widened. "Why the FUCK are you showing me this?! You think I want to see this!" He took his coffee mug that was in his hand and smashed the computer screen with it. The computer screen was totally ruined as glass shards littered the desktop.

Anastasia laughed. "Ouu Spooky~" She said, sarcastically. "Goddamn. Your boyfriend looks pretty mad, Yuichiro."

Krul and Mikaela's heads whipped towards our direction after Anastasia's remark. Krul stood up from her chair, running towards me.

"Hello my dear prince of Seraph." She waved. "So... You were doing it with one of my teachers... In my palace while Mikaela was confessing his love for you?" Krul yelled, staring into my eyes. My body was shaking. But the next thing that happened was totally unexpected.

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