Chapter 25: SMUT [m]

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A/N: Hey guys! Just wanted to thank all of you for reading this far. I've been writing this fanfiction for 8 months now, and it's actually the first one I've ever written. I cant even believe that I've already made twenty five chapters. Oh my god! Thank you all😘!  


Once our seat belts were fastened and the ignition started up, Mikaela gave me a retarded look. I giggled.

"What is that face for?" I laughed hysterically, "You look retarded."

"That was Chess's expression when she was dying." Mikaela chuckled. "I'm so happy that Crowley, Chess and Horn are dead."

"I'm glad you guys slaughtered them." I squeezed his hand. "Oh, and her expression was more like this." I pulled a goofy expression on my face and Mikaela started laughing uncontrollably, holding his stomach with one hand as the other was in control of the wheel.

In about twenty minutes, Mikaela pulled up into his palace, parking into the huge garage. He smiled goofily before he pinched both of my cheeks. "You're so cute, Yuu-chan."

"More like hot." I told him playfully.

I kicked off my shoes as I stepped into his mansion. My eyes landed on a clock; It was eleven fifteen at night which was still fairly early. I usually didn't go to bed until late even on school days, cause hello, Netflix. But I was feeling quite sleepy after the eventful day. Like damn, I was kidnapped and the raging psycho's in my life are finally DEAD... Except Mitsuba of course.

"Im tired, where can I sleep?" I looked at Mikaela with desperation for a bed.

"My bed of course." Mikaela smirked, dragging my hand into his large room. I leapt onto his bed pretending that I was flying while I face planted into a soft pillow that smelled just like him.

"Yuu-chan, what the... H-hell.." He laughed, "Was that?"

"I was pretending that I was a gazelle leaping into the horizons."

By then, he was clutching his stomach, gasping for air. When his laughter calmed down, he looked up at me. I gave him a weird, questioning face.

"What was so funny?" I asked him, confused.

He looked at me like I was ridiculous. "You're so weird."

"Thanks, you are too. Laughing at nothing and all." I replied.

He raised one eyebrow. "Yuu-chan darling, no normal person would say they were pretending to be a gazelle leaping into the horizons."

I stripped out of my clothes until I was just in my boxers. I walked up to Mikaela's wardrobe and grabbed the biggest shirt I could find, pulling it on. Mikaela gawked at me. "Why not? Im normal. Now let me sleep, I'm tired as shit." I yawned.

"You look so adorable in my clothes." He cooed. He then took off his own shirt, revealing his muscular body.

"Thank you. You're really hot yourself, you know." I smiled at Mikaela.

He blushed. "I love you so fucking much, Yuu-chan."

Those words again. He told me he loved me a few hours ago before he drank my blood. It made me flustered and my body went wild each time he said it. I loved him back, no doubt about it. Maybe I should say it back...?

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